vb. (present participle of corruscate English)
Usage examples of "corruscating".
Mikhail looked at it, felt his awareness fall into the corruscating facets of the jewel, and then withdraw.
The Gateways hung there in the open air, energy corruscating between the two, as if they were feeding upon each other.
Because a sudden arc of energy blasted up from the wreckage of the fallen Cue-tip, an arc of corruscating crapola, connecting with the cloud and exploding in its interior with a massive bang.
Sunbursts of superfuses cascaded among them, leaping and feeding from ship to ship, corruscating with cosmic energy, while the attackers plunged through their devasted ranks and were away.
Light scintillated from the Eagers in ringed rainbows, corruscating and glittering, a rhapsodic symphony of color, the flocks of gyre-birds twisting around them, a swirling garment of changeable smoke.