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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Corrode \Cor*rode"\ (k?r-r?d") v. t. [imp. & p. p. Corroded; p. pr. & vb. n. Corroding.] [L. corrodere, -rosum; cor + rodere to gnaw: cf. F. corroder. See Rodent.]

  1. To eat away by degrees; to wear away or diminish by gradually separating or destroying small particles of, as by action of a strong acid or a caustic alkali.

    Aqua fortis corroding copper . . . is wont to reduce it to a green-blue solution.

  2. To consume; to wear away; to prey upon; to impair.


n. corrosion vb. (present participle of corrode English)


n. erosion by chemical action [syn: corrosion, erosion]

Usage examples of "corroding".

Even more interesting to them were the items they were able to dig out of the nonorganic trash pit: rapidly corroding broken screws, a cracked bubble matrix, the partly carbonized innards of a comm unit that had overloaded and burned out.

The time spent waiting for Korbillian's arrival had not been pleasant for the Deliverers, as the eastern lands sat like disease around them, ugly and corroding.

She had no courage, no wit, no diligence, nothing that she could distinguish save discontentment like a corroding acid, and she went so far in sincerity as with a curious shift of feeling to pity the man plighted to her.

Acid spat from the globes, corroding the black metal and sending droplets of green acid and liquid metal to the ledge where Kharza had stood an instant before.

Of our members, all but a negligible fraction are composed of power-seekers, morons who find our service intellectually undemanding, the inevitable sadists whose very nature bans them from all normal civilian employment, the long-time professionals -- the very people who dragged screaming citizens from their beds in the service of the Gestapo are still doing precisely the same thing for us -- and those with a corroding grievance against society: of the last category, Colonel Hidas, a Jew whose people have suffered in Central Europe agonies beyond all imagining is the prime example in the AVO today.

The two supercarriers floated at anchor, giving the corroding derelict added buoyancy.