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The Collaborative International Dictionary

correlated \correlated\ adj.

  1. mutually related.

    Syn: correlative, correlate.

  2. (Mathematics, statistics) showing a statistically significant relationship between the values of two or more variables; as, The statures of fathers and sons are correlated.

  1. mutually related in a correlation v

  2. (en-past of: correlate)


adj. mutually related [syn: correlative, correlate]

Usage examples of "correlated".

But precisely because these quadrants are all so intimately correlated, I can indeed attempt an aggressive reductionism, and it can actually seem to make a lot of sense.

I suggest, as a first approximation, that these particulars, together with such correlated others as are unperceived, jointly ARE the table.

A piece of matter, according to the definition that I propose, is, as a first approximation,* the collection of all those correlated particulars which would normally be regarded as its appearances or effects in different places.

According to the view that I am suggesting, a physical object or piece of matter is the collection of all those correlated particulars which would be regarded by common sense as its effects or appearances in different places.

When a number of people at a theatre watch an actor, the changes in their several perspectives are so similar and so closely correlated that all are popularly regarded as identical with each other and with the changes of the actor himself.

So long as all the changes in the appearances of a body are thus correlated there is no pressing prima facie need to break up the system of appearances, or to realize that the body in question is not really one thing but a set of correlated particulars.

An impression due to this sort of intervening medium is called a perception, and is interesting to psychology on its own account, not merely as one of the set of correlated particulars which is the physical object of which (as we say) we are having a perception.

When a sensation--like the hearing of a clap of thunder--is normally correlated with closely similar sensations in our neighbours, we regard it as giving knowledge of the external world, since we regard the whole set of similar sensations as due to a common external cause.

Thus publicity in sensations consists, not in having PRECISELY similar sensations, but in having more or less similar sensations correlated according to ascertainable laws.

The sensations which strike us as public are those where the correlated sensations are very similar and the correlations are very easy to discover.

Through its psychological effects, it is the cause of cognitions, partly by being itself a sign of things that are correlated with it, as e.

But just because two things are correlated does not mean that one causes the other.

From this jumble, he must determine which factors are correlated and which are not.

But higher test scores are correlated with many other factors as well.

Figure 4-1 lists some of the milestones in the evolution of the outward forms of individual holons, and alongside them some of the corresponding milestones in the emergent forms of consciousness that I suggest are correlated with them.