n. (context chiefly US English) A prison, reformatory, or similar institution in which people are confined for the purpose of punishment and/or social rehabilitation.
Usage examples of "correctional facility".
The Atascadero Minimum Security Correctional Facility was a village of brown brick buildings set in the broad open expanse of what used to be almond groves in the arid ranchland south of Paso Robles.
Wayland DeWitt then took Bjorn to a picnic at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility where children can visit with their mothers in an outdoor setting that seems less like a prison than the visiting area inside.
I stared straight ahead at a wall on the second floor of a barracks at the Federal Minimum Security Adult Correctional Facility on the edge of Finletter Air Force Base - thirty-five miles from Atlanta, Georgia.
Get a load of what was going to happen to Dudley Prince, a monumental figure of authority and decency in the uniform of the security company that protected the beleaguered Academy around the clock, a holstered pistol at his hip, only fifty-one days from the first of the two Christmas Eves, 2000: The timequake was going to zap him back into a solitary confinement cell, into the hole, within the walls and towers of the New York State Maximum Security Adult Correctional Facility at Athena, sixty miles south of his hometown of Rochester, where he used to own a little video rental store.
It will be what it was meant to be-a correctional facility for first-time offenders.
He had access to snitches and informants in every correctional facility in the state, plus contacts in all the relevant local information pools.
So when he walked into the correctional facility at 2100 hours, he moved with the same ease in his body as the real Andropov moved in his.
It looked like a correctional facility gone bankrupt and converted into the most cheerlessly utilitarian of lodgings.
They put my parents and me in the Correctional Facility on Kessel, where we had to work in the spice mines.
The boys had gotten into trouble in their early teens and been sent off to a state correctional facility for aggravated assault.