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n. (plural of corral English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: corral)

Usage examples of "corrals".

Some trucks carried hay bales which farmers dumped into dusty corrals or into minuscule overgrazed plots for horses and sheep.

Liath looked out across the encampment with its circle of tents, makeshift corrals made by rope strung into fences between squares of wagons, and a stretch of empty ground around the slumbering griffin.

The timbers of small corrals were broken, well housings aslant, outhouses blown over and destroyed.

They drove down the street past the last house and the last of the corrals and mud pens and crossed a shallow ford where the slow water shone like oil in its colors and mended itself behind them before the run-off from the trucktires had even finished draining back.

Longarm looked in the corrals, but was sure none of the grays was on the premises now.

As this number was too small to be handled easily in the open, we decided to take them into the corrals for the final division.

Once they were in the corrals, this could have been easily done by simply opening a gate and allowing blocks of ten to pass alternately from the main into smaller inclosures.

But Quince stood firm, and arguing the matter, we reached the corrals and penned the band.

Turning out of the corrals, Priest and I accompanied the horses out on the prairie where our toppy ones were being grazed.

Beaver, the seller of the herd, was expecting us, and sending word of our arrival to neighboring cowmen, we looked over the corrals before returning to camp.

The main inclosure had been built of heavy palisades in an early day, but recently several of smaller sized lumber had been added, making the most complete corrals I had ever seen.

We were encamped about three miles from the corrals, and leaving orders for the cook to follow up, the camp was abandoned with the exception of the remuda.

The cattle passed on the evening before had camped out several miles from the corrals and were grazing in when we met them.

Giving orders at camp to graze the received beeves within a mile of the corrals by noon, and the wagon to follow, we made an early start, Flood taking his own horses with him.

After we had passed on the first contingent of the outside cattle, and as we were nearing the corrals, Dr.