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n. (plural of corpsicle English)

Usage examples of "corpsicles".

The point is that if the second Freezer Bill passes, about threee hundred thousand corpsicles will be declared formally dead.

The arguments for the second Freezer Bill were not much different The corpsicles named in group two had money, but they were insane.

At the hospital we don't even know where the spare parts come from: criminals, corpsicles, captured organleggers' stocks, it all looks the same.

He thought we might find that a coalition of organleggers had pooled advertising money to keep the corpsicles off the market.

The corpsicles they want are the ones who were healthiest, the ones who have the best chance of being brought -back to life some day.

Those corpsicles who had survived the treatment-twenty-two of them, out of thirty-five attempts-had been clinically alive for some ten months, conscious f or shorter periods.

The boob cube had been infested with corpsicles wearing approximations of their own styles.

And by no means as short as it would be when the ship arrived at its destination and all the corpsicles were defrosted to get ready for landing.

The emergency is over, they say, so the extra people can be corpsicles again.

New Argosy held people—more people than either of the first two ships had carried, a passenger list of three thousand more corpsicles, intended to be thawed out to join the first colonists on Newmanhome—many of them friends, colleagues, even relatives of those already there.

It was very much like the shallow pan that corpsicles were thawed in, and he caught a quick glimpse of several others like it in the room.

Viktor was glad when it was over, because it was frightening to look on the corpsicles and know that not long before he had been just like them—and not very far in the future, maybe, might well be back there again.

But ever since the time they had taken DNA samples from Nrina’s corpsicles, along with the departed Manett, Dekkaduk had given every sign of despising the man from Old Earth.

The revived corpsicles, who were by far the greater part of Newmanhome’s tiny population, had to find ways to feed themselves.

When Manett, glowing, told him that Dekkaduk was going to bring them a whole revivification system for the remaining corpsicles in the deep freeze, Viktor’s congratulations were perfunctory.