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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cornucopia \Cor`nu*co"pi*a\ (k[^o]r`n[-u]*k[=o]"p[i^]*[.a]), n.; pl. Cornucopias (-[.a]z). [L. cornu copiae horn of plenty. See Horn, and Copious.]

  1. The horn of plenty, from which fruits and flowers are represented as issuing. It is an emblem of abundance.

  2. pl. (Bot.) A genus of grasses bearing spikes of flowers resembling the cornucopia in form.

    Note: Some writers maintain that this word should be written, in the singular, cornu copi[ae], and in the plural, cornua copi[ae].


n. (plural of cornucopia English)

Usage examples of "cornucopias".

From all directions poured mothers holding colored cornucopias and drawing screaming or model children after them.

Their mothers pressed against the wall opposite the window front, clutching in their arms the colored cornucopias covered with tissue paper that were traditional on the first day of school.

On the blackboard (I said) which provided the photographer with the traditional background for postcard-size pictures of six-year-old boys with knapsacks and cornucopias, these words were inscribed: My First School Day.

I have shaped pieces of string into Kashubian potato fields and Norman pastures, and peopled the resulting landscape, which I call Europe for short, with such figures as post office defenders, grocers, people on rostrums, people at the foot of the rostrums, schoolboys with cornucopias, expiring museum attendants, juvenile delinquents preparing for Christmas, Polish cavalrymen at sunset, ants that make history.

And the Eschaton had given them gifts: cornucopias, robot factories able to produce any designated goods to order, given enough time, energy, and raw materials.

Gallant, a dark-faced, cynical-looking man with clever, malicious eyes, and one of those large cornucopias of women with avid blue stares.

The cotillion was on then, and the favors for the midnight figure were gilt cornucopias filled with loose flowers.

Sheets of rolled platinum sat on cornucopias filled with fruits, flowers, and grains.

I know that science and technology are not just cornucopias pouring gifts out into the world.