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n. A pickled gherkin cucumber

Usage examples of "cornichon".

So were the winter vegetables and the roast fillet of beef with cornichon tarragon sauce.

The silkiness of melting chocolate on his tongue reminds him of the music of Angelo Badalamenti, and the music of Badalamenti brings to mind the waxy surface of a scarlet anthurium, and the anthurium sparks an intensely sensual recollection of the cool taste and crispness of cornichons, which for several seconds completely overwhelms the actual taste of the chocolate.

Andre cheese from the list, and then in the spirit of adventure a chipotle pesto, the international olive mix, some prosciutto, and a chicken pate with black truffle mousse to be served with cornichons and mustard.

She placed the drinks atop a garden seat, then scurried back into the hall only to return wheeling a bamboo cart containing an entire miniature bar, complete with cornichons, pearl onions, and sugar-pickled cherries.