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corned beef
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
corned beef
▪ a corned beef sandwich
▪ Every ward leader throws his annual $ 25-a-head golf days, corned beef dinners, and picnics.
▪ I do canned corned beef hash too.
▪ Lunch Half of the 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham or corned beef left over from Monday.
▪ Nothing to eat but instant mashed potato, pickles and maybe corned beef if you are lucky.
▪ The corned beef that we are familiar with is a cured beef which is then boiled and pressed before being canned.
▪ The tins of sardines, salmon and corned beef he pushed to one end of it.
▪ When bought directly from the cure, corned beef must be fully cooked.
corned beef

n. 1 a smoke cured and salted beef. 2 beef conserved in tins (cans).

corned beef

n. beef cured or pickled in brine [syn: bully beef, corn beef]

Corned beef

Corned beef is a salt-cured beef product. The term comes from the treatment of the meat with large grained rock salt, also called "corns" of salt. It features as an ingredient in many cuisines. Most recipes include nitrates or nitrites, which convert the natural hemoglobin in beef to methaemoglobin, giving a pink color. It has been argued that nitrates reduce the risk of dangerous botulism during curing. Beef cured with salt only has a gray color, and is sometimes called "New England corned beef." Often sugar and spices are also added to recipes for corned beef.

It was popular during both World Wars, when fresh meat was rationed. Corned beef remains popular in the United Kingdom and countries with British culinary traditions and is commonly used in sandwiches, corned beef hash or eaten with chips and pickles. It also remains especially popular in Canada in a variety of dishes, perhaps most prominently Montreal smoked meat.

Usage examples of "corned beef".

He knew, or had an idea, that she was going to be murdered, from something someone said that first day, and was too damn lazy, or too interested in corned beef hash with chitlins, to do anything about it.

In it she found a loaf of bread labelled ``THICK SLICED MOTHER'S PRIDE'', a half pound of Anchor butter, a jar of strawberry jam, a tin of corned beef, a tin of Heinz tomato soup, a tin of stewed steak, a tin of new potatoes, a tin of marrowfat peas, a tin of peaches (sliced) in syrup, a packet of digestive biscuits, a packet of Mr Kipling jam tarts, a jar of Nescaf&eacute.

And when he stumbled down the ladder at the end of his watch, there was little relief to be had: tea and corned beef in the shambles of the wardroom, with water washing about all over the place and the furniture lashed together in one corner, and then the effort to sleep, wedged in his bunk against the endless rolling of the ship, with the light left burning in case of an alarm, and the thought, nagging all the time, that he must get up and face the wind and the sea again, within a few hours.

I asked Margaret Ross to heat some food on the stove - soup, dried fruit, one of our four remaining tins of corned beef - asked Jackstraw to rig up the antenna for the radio, then went back to the tractor, stooped and turned the radiator drainage cap, catching the liquid hi a can.

He would pause to take superb closeups of these, the corned beef on its spreading platter hemmed about with boiled potatoes and turnips and cabbage, and the corned beef hash with its richly browned surface.

From behind him floated out into Gillian's face the aroma of corned beef and cabbage.

He went out to find food, and he brought back some cans of corned beef hash, cat food, and a bottle of wine.

Picking up a red wire basket, he chucked in some Jaffa cakes because the children liked them, and a tin of corned beef because he liked it.