n. larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize [syn: Pyrausta nubilalis]
native to Europe; in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants [syn: European corn borer, corn borer moth, Pyrausta nubilalis]
Usage examples of "corn borer".
The only nice thing about these little worms is that, unlike the corn borer, they enter the corn at the tip, and mostly only one worm inhabits an ear.
Thus far nothing had been found, not even one wee little corn borer or hint of smut.
The bird pecks the larvae of the corn fly, the black corn borer, and the malignant wild mustard seed, while over the ripening corn the scarecrow turns off all bird song, the cooing of pigeons and the chattering of sparrows, and banishes the starlings from vineyards, the blackbirds and thrushes from cherry trees.
You'll never hear of this when the Parliamentary Estimates for Mordon Health Centre are being passed, but our scientists in Mordon have either discovered or refined to the purest and most deadly forms the germs for causing plague, typhus, smallpox, rabbit and urdulant fever in man: hog cholera, fowl pest, Newcastle disease, rinderpest, foot-and-mouth, glanders and anthrax in livestock: and blights like the Japanese beetle, European corn borer, Mediterranean fruit fly, boll-weevil, citrus cancer, wheat rust and heaven knows what else in plants.