n. dried coriander seeds used whole or ground [syn: coriander]
Usage examples of "coriander seed".
In the northern countries of Europe, the seeds are sometimes mixed with bread, but the chief consumption of Coriander seed in this country is in flavouring certain alcoholic liquors, for which purpose it is largely grown in Essex.
In appearance it resembled coriander seed, was white in colour like hoar- frost and sweet to taste, melted in the sun, and if kept overnight was full of worms in the morning.
And it was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.
In it we find 'A perfume for a sweet bagg,' as follows: 'Take half a pound of Cypress Roots, a pound of Orris, 3 quarter of a pound of Calamus, 3 Orange stick with Cloves, 2 ounces of Benjamin, 3 quarters of a pound of Rhodium, a pound of Coriander seed, and an ounce of Storax and 4 pecks of Damask Rose leaves, a peck of dryed sweet Marjerum, a pretty stick of Juniper shaved very thin, some lemon pele dryed and a stick of Brasill.
Amine then threw frankincense and coriander seed into the chafing-dish, which threw out a strong aromatic smoke.