Crossword clues for coreligionist
The Collaborative International Dictionary
coreligionist \coreligionist\, co-religionist \co`-re*li"gion*ist\(-l?j"?n-?st), n. One of the same religion with another.
n. (alternative spelling of co-religionist English)
n. someone having the same religion as another person
Usage examples of "coreligionist".
Instead, this officer rejoiced that Harry was going to take his coreligionist to join her husband on what amounted to a holy pilgrimage.
Monsieur Tonnelet, subscribed to the Fanal, and was a fervent political coreligionist of ours.
Baghdad, believing that they will be more favorably inclined toward their coreligionists in Tehran than the Sunnis have been over the last seventy years.
That did not include any of their coreligionists, who were probably working-classschlubs who walked or took public transportation.
The Alexandrian Jews, egged on by their coreligionists in Judaea, did their best to aggravate a situation already bad.
Jameson raiders supported the outlanders of the Transvaal, so also the soldiers and tribesmen of Afghanistan sympathised with and aided their countrymen and coreligionists across the border.
Subsequent generations came to despise him and Puritanism in general because of what he and they believed about the invisible world, which to Mather and his coreligionists consisted of demons, devils, familiars, and witches, all of which filled the air of New England, whispering into the ears of unsuspecting believers the joys of serving the devil.
Julian and the rest at the table was merely a heated discussion abruptly cut off by an overwrought Christian zealot who, like all his coreligionists, took himself far too seriously for polite company.
They point to those who are prepared to torture and kill their coreligionists, for the sake of a few percent difference in obscure ideology.
The latter was also busy fomenting treasons and plots among his coreligionists in Nostor and Sask by radio, and the three Terran members usually found themselves called away to show some Freyan mechanic how to use a monkey-wrench, or to land a spy outside one of the enemy capitals, or jockey a landing-craft to and from the ship.
English and Dutch merchants, coreligionists though they may have been.
The Irishman claimed these abstract wooden fish were an exact replica of ones used by the early Christians to secretly identify themselves to their coreligionists in those dangerous times.
But the Arabs had been their coreligionists in the slave trade and it was therefore through Islam that he would strike.
Beginning in the sixteenth century, when the Ottoman Sunnis favored their Iraqi coreligionists in the matter of educational and employment opportunities, the Shias consistently have been denied political power.
Red Crescent and Red Cross inspectors reported that the refugees were made welcome by their coreligionists, the Uigurs, Kirghiz, Uzbeks, Tadjiks, and Kazakhs, who had lived in that part of China from time immemorial.