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n. (plural of cordwainer English)

Usage examples of "cordwainers".

It was a strange thing to see the King of Spain always dining at eleven o'clock, like the Parisian cordwainers in the seventeenth century.

And when they could be had from him not a shoe nor hose was bought from any of the cordwainers in the town.

But when the cordwainers perceived that their gains were failing (for as Manawyddan shaped the work so Kicva stitched it), they came together and took counsel, and agreed that they would slay them.

And he had warning thereof, and it was told him how the cordwainers had agreed to slay him.

But the others are armourers, fowlers, cordwainers, wheelwrights, and other skilled craftsmen, as well as two farmers.

Here weavers, tailors, basket makers, cordwainers, silk spinners, and potters toiled.

Here weavers, tailors,basket makers, cordwainers, silk spinners, and potterstoiled.