Cordonata ( Italian noun, from cordone, meaning "lineal architectonic element which emphasizes a limit") is a sloping road composed of transversal stripes ("cordoni"), which are made with stone or bricks. It has a form almost similar to a flight of steps, but allows the transit of horses and donkeys. Famous Italian cordonate are in Rome, leading from Piazza d'Aracoeli to Piazza del Campidoglio (the "cordonata capitolina", work of Michelangelo) and, also in Rome, leading to the Piazza del Quirinale, and gives the name to a road (Via della Cordonata).
Another view of the Cordonata on the Capitoline Hill, Rome
The Capitoline Hill cordonata in Rome (centre of picture) leading from Piazza di Ara Coeli to Piazza del Campidoglio