The Collaborative International Dictionary
Coquettishly \Co*quet"tish*ly\, adv. In a coquettish manner.
adv. In a coquettish manner, flirtatiously.
adv. in a flirtatious manner; "she smiled coquettishly" [syn: flirtatiously]
Usage examples of "coquettishly".
She curved her neck coquettishly, and looked up and sideways at him out of one huge blue eye.
One smiled coquettishly at him, and he allowed himself a small appreciative smile in return.
Valerie was wearing a pretty gown of foulard with a pattern of little yellow flowers, while her daughter, Reine, whom she liked to deck out coquettishly, had a frock of blue linen stuff.
She had a visitor with her already when I called, a fortyish substantial-looking man introduced coquettishly as Paul, who behaved with unmistakable lordliness, the master in his domain.
The fattest woman in the world put her head coquettishly to one side, raised one leg in front of her and lifted her skirt above the knee.
It was possible she wanted him only as an oddity for her noble friends in Ayodhya, a strange-eyed barbarian at which to gawk, but on the other hand, a woman did not look at an oddity coquettishly through lowered lashes.
To Edge she said coquettishly, "I hope you will not mind, Monsieur le Colonel, conversing with a dull Spanish matron, instead of a beauteous young actress.
She was dressed as a Terran shepherdess, and coquettishly held a jeweled shepherd's crook.
A small bonnet, coquettishly fixed on the summit of a high head-dress, high-heeled shoes, which showed the exquisite shape of a beautiful instep, a small cane twirled by the gloved fingers of a slender and delicate hand, with tapering and perfectly aristocratic fingers: such was the person so anxiously expected by Gilbert.
There below them southward---tempting, provoking---lies expanded, almost coquettishly, the fair realm of France, and over behind the sunset hills---Paris!
When he had to take a breather after Lalla coquettishly stopped him from proceeding any further up her arm, he looked around for the little beast and was relieved to find that he was nowhere in sight.
It swayed from side to side as it approached, bending coquettishly at the hips, as if the base of its spine had been replaced by a universal joint.