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n. (plural of coquette English)

Usage examples of "coquettes".

Among these Cavaliers and Coquettes, Compeer Bierce Valeur has assumed a certain celebrity status.

The Cavaliers and Coquettes of Kokotte, always at the forefront, were particularly conspicuous today.

At the forefront of the crowd, clustered about the base of the scaffold, frisked the Cavaliers and Coquettes of Kokotte.

To drown out criticism, the Coquettes and their male counterparts began to sing a mock-worshipful hymn to the Kokotte, set to a tune so bumptiously catchy that the crowd was soon joining in the choruses.

Some of the Coquettes were pelting the scaffold with scarlet carnations, their own chosen emblem.

Nor was there the slightest trace of the constraint and reserve by which all women who are not coquettes seek to check, as with an early frost, the first growth of an unwelcome regard.