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n. (plural of copulation English)

Usage examples of "copulations".

Hence, most human copulations occur at a time unsuitable for conception.

Twenty-nine percent of all observed copulations prove to be EPCs (extra-pair copulations), and an estimated 24 percent of all nestlings are "illegitimate.

Hence most human copulations involve women who are unable to conceive at that moment.

Marsupial mice even seem to be having lots more fun than we do, if the duration of their copulations (up to twelve hours) is any indication.

Selig, though, could not help feeling queasy as he watched, through closed eyes, Nyquist busily working over the blonde, and watched Nyquist similarly watching him, echoing images of their parallel copulations reverberating dizzily from mind to mind.

She told me the most lascivious details, and explained with the utmost minuteness the different external and internal movements which would be developed in the copulations pictured by Aretin.

The trials paid close attention to the quality and quantity of orgasm in the supposed copulations of defendants with demons or the Devil (although Augustine had been certain `we cannot call the Devil a fornicator'), and to the nature of the Devil's `member' (cold, by all reports).

The whispering aftermath of fervent copulations still lingering in the shadows of courtyards that are no more, William.