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n. (plural of coprocessor English)

Usage examples of "coprocessors".

Nancia obliging ly created the holocube for them and maintained a record of the moves, but warned them that some of the game data might be lost if she needed to call on that par ticular set of coprocessors during Singularity.

Nancia obligingly created the holocube for them and maintained a record of the moves, but warned them that some of the game data might be lost if she needed to call on that particular set of coprocessors during Singularity.

As normspace approached Polyon darted in, tapping out one set of staccato commands with his right hand, passing the left over the palmpad to call up Nancia's mathematics coprocessors, rattling out the verbal commands that would bring the whole ship around, responsive to his commands and ready to sail the subspaces out of this Singularity.

He waited until the unit had recorded all available data onto an isolinear chip, then began dissecting the entire mechanism, methodically extracting the coprocessors one at a time, scanning every component with his tricorder to record the extent of the damage (if any), then moving on to the next one.

He refocussed all his concentration on job at hand, using the phaser scalpel to separate two fused coprocessors, then gently pulled a melted chip out of its slot.

Excitement overcoming his trepidations, he reached down with both hands and pried out an entire shelf of singed isolinear coprocessors, then looked back eagerly into the cavity he had exposed.

There, beneath the discarded rows of coprocessors, was the souwe of the lambent blue sheen: the newfangled bio-gel packs that were rapidly becoming the next generation of Starfleet data-processing technology.

He refocussed all his concentration on the job at hand, using the phaser scalpel to separate two fused coprocessors, then gently pulled a melted chip out of its slot.

There, beneath the discarded rows of coprocessors, was the source of the lambent blue sheen: the newfangled bio-gel packs that were rapidly becoming the next generation of Starfleet data-processing technology.

Excite ment overcoming his trepidations, he reached down with both hands and pried out an entire shelf of singed isolinear coprocessors, then looked back ea gerly into the cavity he had exposed.

True, for now, her internal receptors allowed her only the binary nature of droids to work with, but once she had accessed enough datastorage space and enough coprocessors at sufficiently wide bandwidths, there would be no limit to the sensations she would be able to induce, record, digitize, and play back to the nth repetition, all exactingly coaxed from her mechanistic brethren.

She needed time to consider this most unexpected development as her self-preservation programming loops began to run through several of her peripheral coprocessors, letting their presence be known.

Inside this small box are thirty-two thousand, seven hundred sixty-eight coprocessors and five hundred twelve terabytes of molecular memory.

Kids like Bobby Armstrong, the ones augmented with coprocessors, could have jacks surgically implanted and from there connect directly into the Net.