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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Copeman \Cope"man\, n. [D. koopman, fr. koopen to buy. See Cope, v. i. Chapman.] A chapman; a dealer; a merchant. [Obs.]

He would have sold his part of paradise For ready money, had he met a copeman.
--B. Jonson.


n. (context obsolete English) A chapman; a dealer; a merchant.


Copeman is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:

  • Fred Copeman, (1907–1983), English volunteer during the Spanish Civil War
  • Lloyd Groff Copeman, (1881–1956), American inventor
  • Nick Copeman (1979-), author
  • Russell Copeman (1960-), Canadian politician
  • Sydney Copeman (1862–1947), British doctor

Usage examples of "copeman".

When McInerney marked out a quoits-court and Charles Copeman dug a mess--these officers found their amusement in singular ways, and would have been hurt had any one attempted to usurp their self-appointed duties--and when I put in services for Sunday, the 22nd, it was recognized that we should march, and fight on the Sabbath.

Next to him was Charles Copeman, unwounded, waiting to go forward with his bombers.