n. (context US English) A fixed fee paid by subscribers to a medical insurance scheme for each treatment or service in addition to a membership fee.
A copayment or copay is a fixed payment for a covered service, paid when an individual receives service. In the United States, copayment is a payment defined in an insurance policy and paid by an insured person each time a medical service is accessed. It is technically a form of coinsurance, but is defined differently in health insurance where a coinsurance is a percentage payment after the deductible up to a certain limit. It must be paid before any policy benefit is payable by an insurance company. Copayments do not usually contribute towards any policy out-of-pocket maxima whereas coinsurance payments do.
Insurance companies use copayments to share health care costs to prevent moral hazard. Though the copay is often a small portion of the actual cost of the medical service, it is meant to prevent people from seeking medical care that may not be necessary (e.g., an infection by the common cold). The underlying philosophy is that with no copay, people will consume much more care than they otherwise would if they were paying for all or some of it. In health systems with prices below the market-clearing level in which waiting lists act as rationing tools, copayment can serve to reduce the welfare cost of such waiting lists.
However, a copay may also discourage people from seeking necessary medical care and higher copays may result in non-use of essential medical services and prescriptions, thus rendering someone who is insured effectively uninsured because they are unable to pay higher copays. Thus, there is a balance to be achieved: a high enough copay to deter unneeded expenses but low enough to not render the insurance useless.
Usage examples of "copayment".
Of course, their health insurance had covered only eighty percent of the cost of the visit to the doctor's office on Monday morning, and the twenty-percent copayment had caught her attention as never before.