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The Collaborative International Dictionary
coordinate geometry

analytical \analytical\ adj.

  1. of or pertaining to analysis (definition 2).

  2. (Logic) of a proposition; necessarily true independent of fact or experience, such as ``all spinsters are unmarried''. Opposite of synthetic. Also See: a priori, deductive, {logical.

  3. 1 exercising or involving careful analytical evaluations; as, analytic reasoning; an analytical discussion.

    Syn: appraising(prenominal), evaluative.

  4. capable of or given to analyzing; -- of people. an analytical mind

    Analytical geometry or co["o]rdinate geometry. See under Geometry.

    Analytic language, a noninflectional language or one not characterized by grammatical endings.

    Analytical table (Nat. Hist.), a table in which the characteristics of the species or other groups are arranged so as to facilitate the determination of their names.

coordinate geometry

n. the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates on symbols defined in a coordinate system [syn: analytic geometry, analytical geometry]