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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Convulse \Con*vulse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Convulsed; p. pr. & vb. n. Convulsing.] [L. convulsus, p. p. of convellere to tear up, to shake; con- + vellere to pluck, pull.]

  1. To contract violently and irregulary, as the muscular parts of an animal body; to shake with irregular spasms, as in excessive laughter, or in agony from grief or pain.

    With emotions which checked his voice and convulsed his powerful frame.

  2. To agitate greatly; to shake violently.

    The world is convulsed by the agonies of great nations.

    Syn: To agitate; disturb; shake; tear; rend.


vb. (present participle of convulse English)

Usage examples of "convulsing".

She reached her peak quickly, convulsing in his arms, and slowly he built her to pleasure again.

Here she was as calm and cool as a nun, all starched and buttoned, as if she hadn't dug her nails into his back and all but screamed with pleasure while he held her convulsing body still for his thrusts.

It happened fast, and hard, convulsing her in his arms and emptying him of both seed and strength.

She cried out, convulsing, and again he caught the sound with his mouth, holding her as she heaved in his arms and her soft internal muscles milked at his erection.

Her entire body was convulsing, bearing down, and her shoulders left the ground.

His guttural cries blended with the thunder as he crushed her against the mattress, his body convulsing as the powerful jetting of completion emptied him.

She grabbed at his shoulders for balance as she began convulsing and only a heartbeat later he joined her, his head arching back, veins and tendons cording in his muscular neck.

He rose on his toes, convulsing as his body reacted to the massiveness of the injury.

Her lungs burned, her chest convulsing, as she fought not to inhale water.

She came again, convulsing, screaming, trying to fight him because the sensations were too sharp to be borne.

When her vision blurred again, she went limp in despair, a sob convulsing in her chest.

She remembered the searing agony, remembered convulsing in the dirt as the pain hurled her body out of control.

The other demons vanished immediately, and the magicians who had raised them all collapsed, convulsing in the snow in the throes of assorted seizures.

She pulled back sharply and held the leaf out of the way while Mandorallen and Barak jumped in to hold down Belgarath's convulsing body.

The Grolim church was convulsing like a headless snake, and Zakath was right on the verge of putting his fist around everybody's throat to make sure that every time any Angarak bowed, it would be to him.