n. (plural of conventional weapon English)
Conventional Weapons is a compilation album by American rock band My Chemical Romance, released as a series of singles between October 2012 and February 2013. It marked the band's final release of studio material before their breakup in March 2013.
Usage examples of "conventional weapons".
In the case of Iraq, if we do not act soon to topple Saddam Hussein's regime, we are likely to face a much worse conflict with him down the road after he has acquired nuclear weapons and advanced conventional weapons.
He surreptitiously made sure the conventional weapons he had concealed under his clothes were secure, and regretted that it was impossible to carry Protoculture weapons due to these planetary defenses everybody kept talking about.
It would actually have been easier to plan a simple assassination with conventional weapons.
The F-4s in South Korea had not finished converting to conventional weapons, and the F-105s from Okinawa were still an hour away from their refueling base in South Korea.
I've recently learned that there now exists a technological means to neutralize most conventional weapons.
Unfortunately, conventional weapons had thus far proven ineffective against their attacker.
Despite this, in accordance with standard Soviet strategic doctrine, it called for strategic surprise as a precondition for success, and the use of conventional weapons only.
Then the dimensional fortress was opening up with conventional weapons.
In between the zones where nothing was left alive, the Deutsche who had survived the war struggled to get on with their lives, to raise their crops and domestic animals, to care for refugees and demobilized soldiers, to rebuild damage from conventional weapons.
This is the big one: I secured a concession from Dmitri Rykov that the ambit of the discussion need not exclude thermonuclear weapons, strategic weapons, inner space, international inspec-tion, tactical nuclear weapons, conventional weapons and manpower levels, or disengagement of forces along the Iron Curtain line.
They will find that conventional weapons will not stop the resurrected Nazis.
So it's a nuclear weapon with a role for which conventional weapons are useless.