n. conventional warfare
Usage examples of "conventional war".
Repeatedly, I have found myself wishing that I had been the veteran of a conventional war, with dramatic campaigns and historic battles for subject matter instead of a monotonous succession of ambushes and fire-fights.
If we can get this thing to sea before they steal the technology and figure out how to counter it, we've pretty well guaranteed that there won't be a conventional war with the Soviets for at least the next ten years.
They could probably command an American battalion or regiment and fight a conventional war.
RUS marksmen were obviously ready for conventional war, to judge from their success in turning back the 'migration' from Mongolia.
The probability of the increased population's resulting in famine and causing a conventional war which will mutate to an unsurvivable thermonuclear war is point nine three.
There was no way to really know what we should do if one didn't go over there and see it, Owen said, but he believed that trying to win a conventional war against North Vietnam was stupid.
The designers who had given the fighter Vertical Takeoff and Landing capability of course knew how important that would be in a tactical situation in a conventional war.
It deals with naval policy should the Warsaw Pact and NATO come into conflict in a conventional war.
There were forty-four steps in Kahn's ladder, going from the first, Ostensible Crisis, up gradually through categories like Political and Diplomatic Gestures, Solemn and Formal Declarations, and Significant Mobilization, then more steeply through steps like Show of Force, Harassing Acts of Violence, Dramatic Military Confrontations, Large Conventional War, and then off into the unexplored zones of Barely Nuclear War, Exemplary Attacks Against Property, Civilian Devastation Attack, and right on up to number forty-four, Spasm or Insensate War.