Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Usage examples of "convalescent home".
There were two from the convalescent home and a third from Irene, who had called about ten minutes before.
Rabinavitz telephoned the convalescent home, and left a message for Natalie that he would come at eleven with important news.
The flight to Edmonton was nonstop, but it was too late for the group to visit Peter Baker-Jones in the convalescent home that night.
He sat in the wheelchair Mayor Seitz had brought up from the valley convalescent home, and he was plainly fighting off sleep.
There had been, earlier, when the Stronghold's wounded had been taken to the former county convalescent home that served as the valley's hospital, and later there would be more when the less critically injured were brought in horse‑.
Morel is dying, Baxter Dawes is recuperating in a pleasant seaside convalescent home.
Ordinarily I would insist that he went to a convalescent home where proper nursing care is available twenty-four hours.
It's really a convalescent home, you know, where you do a little gentle work -- not too much, of course: just what you feel you can do and nothing more -- and lead a very pleasant simple social life in beautiful surroundings.