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The Collaborative International Dictionary

contused \contused\ contusioned \contusioned\adj. injured without breaking the skin; as, a cut arm and contused cheek.

Syn: bruised.


vb. (en-past of: contuse)


adj. injured without breaking the skin; "a cut forehead and bruised cheek" [syn: bruised, contusioned]

Usage examples of "contused".

She pulled aside the long gown and revealed wounds so ugly and vividly contused that several people recoiled.

One rescued girl had a broken leg, and a boy was concussed, his face badly contused, and a long wound giving his hair a new parting.

One rescued girl had a broken leg and the boy was concussed, his face badly contused and a long wound giving his hair a new parting.

What she could see of his face was contused and distorted, but enough like the fots she'd examined to leave little question about who he was.