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n. (plural of contributor English)

Usage examples of "contributors".

At the same time the relations between the contributors and the management were to be much more, intimate than usual.

I had thought of a reception, maybe, that would include the lady contributors and artists, and the wives and daughters of the other contributors.

They reduced the number of illustrated articles, and they systematized the payment of contributors strictly according to the sales of each number, on their original plan of co-operation: they had got to paying rather lavishly for material without reference to the sales.

March said she was always glad to meet the contributors to the magazine, and asked him whether he knew Mr.

One of the largest contributors was DaimlerChrysler, which is part of the Coalition for Vehicle Choice, a trade group trying to stop an increase in fuel economy standards.

From every state in the Union and from many lands, the love offerings of the disciples of Christian Science came to help erect this beautiful structure, and more than 4,000 of these contributors came to Boston from the far-off Pacific coast and the Gulf states and all the territory that lies between, to view the new-built temple and to listen to the message sent them by the teacher they revere.

Instrumental in my getting this part right were the wonderful contributors to the bulletin board of the Best Friends Pet Sanctuary.

Many big-time contributors decided to save their money this time around, which meant that the candidates couldn't afford many TV spots.

Dryfoos, through Fulkerson, had asked all the more intimate contributors of 'Every Other Week' to come.

Alice sat with George and Roger at a reserved gold area table in the roped-off part of the room where campaign managers and party officials could sit and chat with major contributors like George.

Printers, landlords, tax-men, milkmen, contributors, staff: it paid them next to nothing and always at the very end of the eleventh hour.

Ringing round various contributors, Richard then entrained three favorable notices.