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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Contribute \Con*trib"ute\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Contributed; p. pr. & vb. n. Contributing.] [L. contributus, p. p. of contribuere to bring together, to add; con- + tribuere to grant, impart. See Tribute.] To give or grant i common with others; to give to a common stock or for a common purpose; to furnish or suply in part; to give (money or other aid) for a specified object; as, to contribute food or fuel for the poor.

England contributes much more than any other of the allies.


vb. (present participle of contribute English)


adj. tending to bring about; being partly responsible for; "working conditions are not conducive to productivity"; "the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city"; "a contributory factor" [syn: conducive, contributing(a), contributive, contributory, tributary]

Usage examples of "contributing".

National prestige and the influence of a people in the councils of the world are invincible when the contributing forces of the land are happy and united.

He is contributing his part toward the industrial development of the South and the religious elevation of the nation.

It must be owned, for the honour of the service, that no incident interrupted the good understanding which was maintained between the land and sea officers, who vied with each other in contributing their utmost efforts towards the success of the expedition.

As soon as their divinity was established by law, it sank into oblivion, without contributing either to their own fame, or to the dignity of succeeding princes.

The Pagans of the West, without contributing to the elevation of Eugenius, disgraced, by their partial attachment, the cause and character of the usurper.

Hunneric, revenged the injuries, without contributing to the deliverance, of the church.

But if such an idea should prevent the American nation from contributing its influence to the establishment of a peaceful system in Europe, America, and Asia, such a refusal would be a decisive stop toward American democratic degeneracy.

The state will recognize the kind of union which in contributing to the interest of its members contributes also to the general economic interest.

In the complete democracy a man must in some way be made to serve the nation in the very act of contributing to his own individual fulfillment.

The most honourable, as well as the most useful, occupation for nations is the contributing to the extension of human knowledge.

By this means he did not pledge himself in any way, not even in words, for he himself made no offer of contributing, to the tranquillity of the retirement.

The dictates of true policy dissuaded her from contributing to her further conquest in that kingdom, which would have proved the source of contention among the allies, depressed the house of Bourbon below the standard of importance which the balance of Europe required it should maintain, and aggrandize the states-general at the expense of Great Britain.

This can be achieved only when each of the contributing managers is expected to think through what the unit objectives are, is led, in others words, to participate actively and responsibly in the work of defining them.

I do that wastes your time without contributing to your effectiveness?

But few are learning anything anymore, few are contributing anything anymore, and few expect the job again to become a challenge and a satisfaction.