a contributing author (=someone who writes articles for a newspaper or magazine, or who writes part of a book, report etc)
▪ Ms Gomez was a contributing author to Chapter 1 of the WG II Report.
a contributing factor (=one that helps to make something happen)
▪ Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
▪ Fishing, hunting, and the gathering of edible roots and berries also contribute significantly to the Zande diet.
▪ While about a dozen local developers also contributed to the effort, most only gave $ 100.
▪ It also contributes to debtors' sense of hopelessness, because as soon as one crisis is sorted out, another hits them.
▪ In addition, continuing maintenance and repair of all kinds of existing structures will also contribute to demand for these professionals.
▪ Marx, the museum's director, has also contributed an introduction to the catalogue.
▪ Other Navy officials, speaking on background, said other factors including operational needs and scheduling also contributed to the decision.
▪ Alcohol may also contribute to nocturnal hypoxaemia by causing narrowing of the upper airways.
▪ The incident also contributed to a four-week delay in completing repairs to the submarine.
▪ Successful nominees to the committee contribute greatly to the Trust's work, offering a wealth of specialist expertise and experience.
▪ They felt a need to reorder a broken world, a need that contributed greatly to their intellectual growth.
▪ This form of characterisation greatly contributes to the enjoyment of this novel.
▪ Communications difficulties contributed greatly to a complete lack of coordination of efforts.
▪ The curve of the blade contributed greatly to this, as Henry Stephens showed in his Book of the Farm.
▪ At the same time he participated vigorously in the debates and contributed greatly to the clarification of many issues.
▪ This type of arable cropping could contribute greatly to the income of smaller units.
▪ It may seem odd, but this deviant definition of homosexuality contributed greatly to the rise of gay liberation.
▪ It is often argued that television has contributed much to the trivialization of politics in general and to the nomination process in particular.
▪ All these contributed much to a sense of fellowship and corporate social identity as well as providing opportunities for personal development and individual enrichment.
▪ Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
▪ In this case the animals get quite a good deal, but in neither case do they contribute much to wealth.
▪ However, they contribute much to the power with which the big set pieces are delivered.
▪ Each contributed much, but they did not often speak to each other, and indeed almost literally could not speak to each other.
▪ That cabinet came as a huge disappointment to the public and opposition, contributing much to the present unstable atmosphere.
▪ Fishing, hunting, and the gathering of edible roots and berries also contribute significantly to the Zande diet.
▪ So Olajuwon tells himself he should contribute significantly to what the Rockets are trying to do, and he is right.
▪ Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
▪ Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
▪ In fact, Craig's actions contributed significantly to destabilising the situation.
▪ But to sum up, he is beginning to feel that lawyers have contributed significantly to the disintegration of our country.
▪ Nevertheless, such activities can contribute significantly to an organization's public image.
▪ Recording errors contributed significantly to inaccuracy. 9.
▪ Zoos contribute substantially to the captive banks of many endangered species and those that are less rare.
▪ However, visitors from outlying areas to attend football matches will contribute substantially to the local economy of the cities mentioned above.
▪ In some areas it was acknowledged that these plots contributed substantially to the food supply.
▪ In no country does equity finance contribute substantially.
▪ But then it is hard to see how that arrangement could be described as, or even contribute to, industrial democracy.
▪ And developments which did not contribute to, nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective.
▪ Lifetime employment gives employees greater career stability, and tends to contribute to better industrial relations.
▪ Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive, yet at the same time it contributes to further decline.
▪ We failed to lead the race for new products and we contributed to and suffered from heavy overcapacity.
▪ Their attitude had certainly contributed to, not lessened, the family conflict.
▪ They are willing to contribute to and collaborate with the youths, often spending long hours coaxing and prompting.
▪ And it allows companies both to contribute to and benefit from election campaigns.
▪ Alicia Di Rado contributed to this article.
▪ From 1872 onwards he contributed student articles to the Telegraphic Journal, which later became the Electrical Review.
▪ Gladstone, over the years, contributed sixty-seven articles.
▪ Goldman Sachs was second. --- Victoria M.. Zunitch contributed to this article.
▪ Jon Nalick contributed to this article.
▪ Mr Kidder contributed many articles on foreign affairs to the Boston Globe.
▪ In order that Compacts eventually do become self financing it is very likely that employers will be asked to contribute to central costs.
▪ Economists call this the free-rider problem; people can receive benefits from a good without contributing to its costs.
▪ He said the continuing difficulties had meant 1,100 jobs going last year, contributing to rationalisation costs of £6 million.
▪ They heard Vice-Chancellor Colin Campbell thank the many graduates who have already contributed to the cost of the new Centre.
▪ You will be asked to contribute to the cost whether your stay is temporary or permanent.
▪ They also agreed to contribute £3,000 towards the costs of consultants appointed by Hambleton and North Yorkshire attending the inquiry.
▪ I suspect that this withheld payment has been authorised, contributing to the increased cost.
▪ We are all for safer streets if we do not have to contribute to the cost.
▪ It doesn't contribute to any debate.
▪ This is far more intense a challenge than contributing to debates about strategy and design.
▪ To contribute to this debate, Coopers &038; Lybrand formed a working party to survey and examine interim reporting.
▪ Given the still exiguous literature of colour in art we can not expect to contribute to a running debate.
▪ I understand that other hon. Members wish to contribute to the debate before it concludes.
▪ We look forward to contributing to this debate.
▪ We believe that social anthropologists can contribute more to the debates, in both empirical and theoretical terms.
▪ From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
▪ Television has contributed to the steady decline of solemnity in the courtroom.
▪ Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive, yet at the same time it contributes to further decline.
▪ Glow-of-Television Connections Television often gets blamed for contributing to the decline of family life.
▪ It has contributed to the decline in direct portfolio investment as opposed to indirect investment through tax exempt institutions.
▪ The Salmon and Trout Association believe that the use of driftnets is contributing to the decline.
▪ Institutionally cultivated individual career strategies for organizational dominance contribute to organizational decline.
▪ Farm shops may also have contributed to this decline in the local store.
▪ Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
▪ In still another respect we hope to contribute to the development of a scientific theory of democracy.
▪ Group profits slumped by 40 percent to £16.9 million last year, of which houses contributed three-quarters and development, a quarter.
▪ We aim to ensure that managers will be more effective, achieve personal growth and contribute to corporate development.
▪ Through this ratification process, practitioners contribute to the development of criteria by which their practice will be judged.
▪ The way he did so was by contributing greatly to the development of the new Lotus.
▪ Our early competitors, the Neanderthals, also appear to have contributed to the development of art and religion in human culture.
▪ All of these factors may theoretically contribute to diarrhoea.
▪ Still another factor contributing to rapid dissemination was widespread travel and mobility.
▪ Behind the bald figures on an invoice however, are other factors that contribute to the provision of value for money.
▪ Another factor that can contribute to calcium oxalate stones is a low urinary level of citrate.
▪ Over the course of this century various factors have contributed to the shift towards non-manual employment.
▪ A combination of factors contributed to the defeat of former Democratic Rep.
▪ The vulnerability factors are argued to contribute to low self-esteem, or, as protective factors, to high self-esteem.
▪ After controlling for other factors that contribute to family wealth, the research found that small families had more consumer goods.
▪ These have all contributed to a growth in campaign spending.
▪ But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
▪ The final factor contributing to departmental growth was the most significant of all.
▪ And some of these shifts are already contributing to growth.
▪ The level of investment is not the only factor contributing to growth.
▪ In such circumstances, market forces may actually come to reinforce this development and contribute to unbalanced regional growth.
▪ It is surely fitting that this should happen since nearly every member of the congregation contributed in some way to the result.
▪ The members of the staff contribute too.
▪ Probably, some band members will contribute more than others.
▪ Another factor in the success of authorities is the ability of members to contribute to collective decision-making.
▪ The three members contributed regular essays, or else original compositions, and criticized one another's work at group meetings.
▪ In team nursing all members contribute to discussion and decision-making about care.
▪ But the state - indirectly - contributes over 50 percent of annual funds in the form of subscriptions paid for news services.
▪ The sunglasses division contributes about 30 percent of Bausch&038;.
▪ They contribute 14 percent of the greenhouse effect and are increasing at the rate of 6 percent a year.
▪ My wife contributes 12 percent of her earnings to a SEP-IRA.
▪ They consume 83 percent of the state's water but contribute only 3 percent to the state's economy.
▪ The federal government contributes 62 percent of the cost and Texas provides 38 percent.
▪ Transportation sources contributed only 31 percent of annual emissions in 1989 compared with 88 percent in 1978.
▪ The utilities say they contribute only 6 percent of the air pollution and will contribute even less as plants are retired.
▪ It may also be noted that indistinct analysis of needs will contribute to problems associated with evaluation.
▪ Mainstream society contributes to this problem as well.
▪ Blaming the primary sufferer, other members of the family and all those who are considered to have contributed to the problem.
▪ Both radioactive fission products and induced radioactivity in structural materials contribute to the problem of radioactive waste.
▪ Animal fats and refined sugar contribute to a weight problem and can be a factor in heart and arterial disease.
▪ Budget shortages, poor pay and poor equipment contribute to morale problems, he said.
▪ What are the cultural or historical forces that contribute to these problems?
▪ Demmons said disability leave was not the only factor contributing to the overtime problem.
▪ Times art critic Christopher Knight contributed to this report.
▪ Examiner correspondent Sandra Ann Harris contributed to this report.
▪ Chronicle wire services contributed to this report.
▪ Psychological comfort is inextricably related to physical comfort although some interactions are deliberately planned by staff to contribute to psychological comfort.
▪ The members of the staff contribute too.
▪ Post staff writer Saundra Torry contributed to this report.
▪ Chronicle staff writer Stephen Schwartz contributed to this report.
▪ Times staff writer Marcida Dodson contributed to this story.
▪ Each group will identify a task, an opportunity to contribute to the success of their department.
▪ Just removing this one major source of friction and attacks on self-esteem may contribute to easier successes.
▪ I would like to thank staff at all levels for their tremendous efforts which contributed to this success.
▪ When not in the studio contributing to the success of others, he experimented with Classical music.
▪ Even so, a spirit of close cooperation and bonhomie was generated, contributing much to the success of the Workshop.
▪ Their position in the whole network of assets will need to be considered and how the total capacity contributes to strategic success.
▪ Trainspotting's subtle incorporation of the past contributed to its success.
▪ She thanked everyone who had contributed to the success of the day.
▪ The study provides data on the social cognition of parent-adolescent interaction and contributes to our understanding of the development of moral judgements.
▪ Nevertheless, Bakker has contributed enormously to our understanding of dinosaur biology.
▪ In all of these areas, there are concepts and insights from linguistics which can contribute to pedagogical understanding.
▪ The research is designed to contribute to the understanding of problem drinking among teenagers.
▪ The project aims to contribute to increasing understanding of industrial relations in the public sector.
▪ The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
▪ The research will contribute towards our further understanding of the relationship between the media and the policy process.
▪ In order that Compacts eventually do become self financing it is very likely that employers will be asked to contribute to central costs.
▪ Current employees would be asked to contribute more toward retirement, starting in January 1999.
▪ Langbaurgh and Stockton are both considering either scrapping free passes or asking pensioners to contribute towards them.
▪ The more ideas the better, pupils and colleagues can be asked to contribute. 4.
▪ You will be asked to contribute to the cost whether your stay is temporary or permanent.
▪ None the less, they did so well that from then on Emma was asked to contribute on a regular basis.
▪ To start the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute £1 million.
▪ They might be asked to contribute information to a careers programme, or technical expertise to a science lesson.
▪ During the discussions MacDonald seemed to be listening, but he had nothing to contribute.
▪ I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to the hospital appeal.
▪ My parents said they would contribute something towards the cost of my driving lessons.
▪ Readers are invited to contribute their opinions on any of the issues discussed here.
▪ Several hundred people contributed articles, photographs, and cartoons.
▪ When we have class debates we try and get all the kids to contribute.
▪ All these contributed much to a sense of fellowship and corporate social identity as well as providing opportunities for personal development and individual enrichment.
▪ Examiner correspondent Sandra Ann Harris contributed to this report.
▪ I feel good that I can contribute.
▪ It negates home-field advantage for home-grown retailers and contributes to urban sprawl.
▪ Product delays contributed nearly $ 400 million in sales that would have normally come in the third quarter, analysts said.
▪ She's hoping that private businesses will contribute to the upkeep.
▪ She chose the Council because she felt she wanted something where she could contribute to the community.
▪ The more ideas the better, pupils and colleagues can be asked to contribute. 4.