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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Constitutionalism, therefore, is to be set in contradistinction to arbitrary power.
▪ Hence it is called ideographic. in contradistinction from the phonographic or alphabetical system of writing.
▪ In contradistinction to concentrating ability, diluting ability is fairly well-preserved in renal failure.
▪ Multiple rather than single ulcers are the rule, in contradistinction to syphilis.
▪ Postmodern psychotherapy, in contradistinction, could no longer speak in terms of such differentiation.
▪ Remember that the hands both face the same way in contradistinction to the piano.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Contradistinction \Con`tra*dis*tinc"tion\, n. Distinction by contrast.

That there are such things as sins of infirmity in contradistinction to those of presumption is not to be questioned.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from contra- + distinction.


n. 1 The quality of being contradistinctive. 2 distinction by contrast; the displaying of something, ''A'', to show what ''B'' is not.


n. a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast; "sculpture in contradistinction to painting"

Usage examples of "contradistinction".

Spivak pronouns are neither male nor female, but they are marked, in contradistinction to the genderless general term that is the neuter.

We should like to call this school the Natural in contradistinction to the Naturalesque and Formalistic schools.

God--an illimitable, omnipotent, paternal spirit, who rewarded the good and punished the wicked--in contradistinction from the multifarious, subordinate, animal and bestial demi-gods of the other nations of the earth.

Unfortunately for Elian, his father lived in Cuba, a place liberals admire, in contradistinction to a tacky state like Ohio.

This was in contradistinction to the incorrect call for Gore while the polls were still open and that actually affected the voting.

The powers the convention grants or concedes to the United States are powers granted or conceded by the United States to the General government it assembled to organize and establish, which, as it extends over the whole population and territory of the Union, and, as the interests it is charged with relate to all the States in common, or to the people as a whole, is with no great impropriety called the government of the United States, in contradistinction from the State governments, which have each only a local jurisdiction.

During the sermon a low voice, sharp in contradistinction to the monotone of the preacher's, was heard to repeat these words: 'I say I am not sure I shall survive it.

She had seen him with the boy, and he was amused, indulgent, almost frolicsome, in contradistinction to Mr.

It was a singular phenomenon--very much remarked at the time--that the women who did not in the least share Father Damon's spiritual faith, and would have called themselves in contradistinction materialists, were those who admired him most, were in a way his followers, loved to attend his services, were inspired by his personality, and drawn to him in a loving loyalty.

Weston the curate: I used to mention him sometimes in contradistinction to Mr.

For in contradistinction to the use of a magnetic field for splitting the spectrum, Rudolf Steiner has made us aware of the possibility of uniting into a higher synthesis parts of the spectrum which normally appear in separated form.