Crossword clues for continually
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Continually \Con*tin"u*al*ly\, adv.
Without cessation; unceasingly; continuously; as, the current flows continually.
Why do not all animals continually increase in bigness?
--Bentley. -
In regular or repeated succession; very often.
Thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.
--2 Sam. ix. 7.
adv. 1 In a continuous manner; non-stop. 2 In regular or repeated succession; very often.
adv. seemingly without interruption; "complained continually that there wasn't enough money"
Usage examples of "continually".
Anne learned a great deal about Jackie and her background, but the stories her biological mother told changed continually.
They continually encroached on Acadian fishing grounds, and we hear at one time of a hundred of their vessels thus engaged.
Unlike Adams, who, except for books, indulged himself in no expenditures beyond what were necessary, Jefferson was continually in and out of Philadelphia shops, buying whatever struck his fancy.
Back then, people were still justifiably worried about encountering hostile aliens as CST wormholes were continually opened on new planets farther and farther away from Earth.
I am continually awakened from my reveries by the jargon of an Andalusian peasant who is setting out rose-bushes, and the song of a pretty Andalusian girl who shows the Alhambra, and who is chanting a little romance that has probably been handed down from generation to generation since the time of the Moors.
And I venture with assurance to predict, that some time within the next fifty years, the Governments of England and of the United States, alarmed, it may be, by a continually increasing mortality from cancer, will condemn under severest penalties, the sale for human food of meat deriveed from animals affected by malignant disease,--no matter how great may be the pecuniary loss to every slaughtering establishment and packing-house in either land.
But the Antonine Wall was continually overrun by the tribes it was meant to pen in.
Their collaborators and sharp competitors in the great and noble work of planting the gospel and the church in old and neglected fields at the South, and carrying them westward to the continually advancing frontier of population, were to be found in the multiplying army of the Methodist itinerants and local exhorters, whose theology, enjoined upon them by their commission, was the Arminianism of John Wesley.
Kate had suffered from a congenital condition known as status asthmaticus, which continually imperiled her life.
British, saving as they did the front-line boats a long, dangerous outward trip from Kiel round the north of Scotland to the actual area of operations, and the same long risky return from the Atlantic to home continually exposed to the British aircraft above them which kept constant patrols from their island bases.
Since cerebrospinal fluid is continually seeping into the ventricles, it must be allowed to escape somewhere.
Joan never met, as a woman with a consuming passion for the chastest concubinal fidelity, whose fate it was to be continually falling into the hands of licentious foes and suffering the worst extremities of rapine.
High in a lime tree, hidden from view by the leaves, a chiffchaff sings continually, and from the distance comes the softer note of a thrush.
For a while Cho was continually expecting the wonderful road to appear, and then the people round the next corner.
The Christer set continually tries to nail us for playing footsie with our tame rascals.