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The Collaborative International Dictionary

continent-wide \continent-wide\ adj. involving the entire continent.


adj. involving the entire continent

Usage examples of "continent-wide".

The half-valley, enlarged to its mountain bounds through the influence of its free soil on those whose feet touched it as pioneers, nourished a natural democracy founded in the equalities, the freedoms, and the fraternities of the frontier so vital, so powerful that it became the dominant nationalistic force in a continent-wide republic.

Tend to break a lot of bones, Threadscores, occasional fevers, but nothing on a continent-wide scale.

The recondensing vapor turned into a pall of cloud miles thick, which the winds stirred with the browns of the hydrocarbon gases and the smoke from the continent-wide fires to draw a curtain over the death throes as Earth and Athena commenced the slow mutual gyration that would mark their closest pass.