The Collaborative International Dictionary
Contemplate \Con"tem*plate\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Contemplated (# or #); p. pr. & vb. n. Contemplating.] [L. contemplatus, p. p. of contemplari to contemplate; con- + templum a space for observation marked out by the augur. See Temple.]
To look at on all sides or in all its bearings; to view or consider with continued attention; to regard with deliberate care; to meditate on; to study.
To love, at least contemplate and admire, What I see excellent.
--Milton.We thus dilate Our spirits to the size of that they contemplate.
--Byron. -
To consider or have in view, as contingent or probable; to look forward to; to purpose; to intend.
There remain some particulars to complete the information contemplated by those resolutions.
--A. Hamilton.If a treaty contains any stipulations which contemplate a state of future war.
--Kent.Syn: To view; behold; study; ponder; muse; meditate on; reflect on; consider; intend; design; plan; propose; purpose. See Meditate.
vb. (present participle of contemplate English)
Usage examples of "contemplating".
No one had officially suggested that the Andies might be contemplating making a move, however long-standing their ambitions in Silesia might have been, but he supposed it made sense for Zahn to consider the possibility very seriously.
We have no indications as yet that Emperor Gustav is contemplating any sort of operations against us, although that possibility can never be completely discounted.
The brain hiding behind his unassuming façade, however, was one of the better ones in the RMN, at least when it could be pried away from contemplating a hand of spades.
She'll probably still have a little bit of head start, since no one in the Star Kingdom, especially with Janacek and his crowd running their Admiralty, is going to spare as much as a single thought for the possibility that we might be contemplating hitting them simultaneously someplace that far away.
Given the tone and the content of Pritchart's note, do you personally think she's seriously contemplating breaking off negotiations and not just running some sort of bluff?
The implication is clearly that they're actively contemplating resuming hostilities, and if they're willing to do so in an area as far from our strategic center as Silesia, then they're certainly willing to do it somewhere closer to home, as well.
And if that's the case, then whatever balance of power equation Gustav may have been contemplating is probably pretty badly out of date.
At this point, we don't have any proof even that the Republic is contemplating attacking the Star Kingdom at all.
Smuggling paper and pencil to trace the outlines, she would spend hours contemplating combinations and secret codes.
At first, contemplating the communique that had appeared so astonishingly on the Game of Life board, she concluded it must be a bad joke.
But, after spending all morning winding one after another of the-watchspring mechanisms, some of the romance went out of contemplating them.
For a long time, Renna looked out across the sea, contemplating vistas Maia couldn't begin to picture.
He snapped at his officers and frowned, contemplating the fine, crystal dusting.
She had been stroking the smooth wooden stave, wordlessly contemplating what might come in a few hours.
Oh, for a dumbwaiter, Maia recalled sardonically, contemplating climbing all this on the way back.