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Contaminazione is the third studio album by the Italian progressive rock band Il Rovescio della Medaglia, released in 1973.

It's arranged by Luis EnrĂ­quez Bacalov, refers to the symphonic prog especially the inclusion of the Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach: the full title of the album is in fact Contaminazione di alcune idee de certi preludi e fughe del Clavicembalo ben temperato di J.S. Bach (Contamination of some ideas of some preludes and fugues of the Well-Tempered Clavier by JS Bach).

Apart from a few isolated cases in fact (in example, "Alzo un muro elettrico"), the work is structurally compact and indivisible. Not by chance, it will not extract any 7", in this critical context, the quality of the disc are immediately obvious:

  • Compact and tonal balance and artistic where the "full and empty spaces" created dall'arrangiatore are largely enhanced by the dynamic response of the incision.
  • Greater ease in implementation, which makes the product even and pleasant.
  • Substantial lack of stylistic limitations that result as the value of the individual instrumental skills of the musicians.
  • Greater consistency between acoustic and electric instruments that makes the "sound" overall unique and original for the Italian scene.
  • Parts vocal and choral never invasive but fell harmoniously into the musical story.

The album was re-recorded in English in 1975 under the title Contamination, with little changes to text and titles and with a different cover art.