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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Contain \Con*tain"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Contained; p. pr. & vb. n. Containing.] [OE. contenen, conteinen, F. contenir, fr. L. continere, -tentum; con- + tenere to hold. See Tenable, and cf. Countenance.]

  1. To hold within fixed limits; to comprise; to include; to inclose; to hold.

    Behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens can not contain thee; how much less this house!
    --2 Chron. vi. 18.

    When that this body did contain a spirit.

    What thy stores contain bring forth.

  2. To have capacity for; to be able to hold; to hold; to be equivalent to; as, a bushel contains four pecks.

  3. To put constraint upon; to restrain; to confine; to keep within bounds. [Obs., exept as used reflexively.]

    The king's person contains the unruly people from evil occasions.

    Fear not, my lord: we can contain ourselves.

  1. Restricted in space. v

  2. (en-past of: contain)

  1. adj. controlled; "striking with contained ferocity at my head"- R.L.Stevenson

  2. gotten under control; "the oil spill is contained"

Usage examples of "contained".

And Captain Abernethy and George the Greek bore into the cabin a third oblong box, exactly similar in appearance to the box of Reginald Maltravers and the box which contained the evidence against Logan Black, and set it on the floor.

It contained some of the ablest and most influential men in the two Houses of Congress, representing different parts of the country.

Christ, which body, although not informed by those accidents, is yet contained under them.

He removed it from a layer of black sand and gravel that also contained stone implements of the Acheulean type.

New England who will not tell you how Agassiz used to lock a student up in a room full of turtle-shells, or lobster-shells, or oyster-shells, without a book or a word to help him, and not let him out till he had discovered all the truths which the objects contained.

The Commonwealth might not have been warned that the barrier is down, and the aliens it contained do not appear to be friendly.

It contained matching nested picnic boxes lacquered in black with an allover design of golden cartwheels in a golden stream.

It contained settings for the analyzer circuits, tapes for the strategy units, and complete data for an offensive operation in the Alaskan theater as well as details of a massive air- assault against targets along the Pacific coast.

The folder contained the personnel file of a attractive woman named Phuong Anh Nguyen whom my father had hired as a bodyguard.

The folder contained the personnel file of an attractive woman named Phuong Anh Nguyen whom my father had hired as a bodyguard.

My first question to Cordiani was in reference to the slander contained in the letter he threatened to deliver to my brother: he answered that it was no slander, for he had been a witness to everything that had taken place in the morning through a hole he had bored in the garret just above your bed, and to which he would apply his eye the moment he knew that I was in your room.

A third contained pharmaceutical samples and bottles of pills antibiotics, antifungals, vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements.

God had an ironic sense of humor, the Mollie cluster proved to be the only place in human-explored space that contained large amounts of antihydrogen, naturally suspended in a magnetic matrix material.

Between him and Debussy there is the difference between the apollonian and the dionysiac, between the smooth, level, contained, perfect, and the darker, more turbulent, passionate, and instinctive.

I think our host said it contained applejack, champagne and some other ingredient.