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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ She says the files she looked at weren't confidential and were freely available for consultation by any senior member of staff.
▪ Students using the libraries are advised that examination papers can not be borrowed or photocopies but there are sets available for consultation.
▪ Also, many 6-inch sheets of the coalfields had been prepared and were available for public consultation.
▪ Specialist encyclopaedias like KIRK-OTHMER Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology are available for consultation.
▪ Firstly, it is anticipated that the draft Structure Plan will be available for public consultation after 13 January 1992.
▪ Ensure that agreement has been reached with the libraries about making documents available for consultation before this facility is publicised.
▪ Seven other specialists were available for consultation.
▪ He was always available for consultation, but rarely forced it upon them.
▪ We will improve standards of food labelling in close consultation with consumer representatives.
▪ Health authorities will reach those conclusions under the reformed health service in close consultation with their general practitioners.
▪ At time of writing no details were known, as the government was in the midst of an extensive consultation exercise.
▪ Exposure drafts of ethical guidance on those topics have just been the subject of extensive consultation.
▪ The following months were very busy, and included extensive individual consultations with all members of staff.
▪ Bargaining is centralized, highly formalized, and wide-ranging with highly codified agreements, and there is extensive joint consultation.
▪ Please rest assured that nothing will get beyond the earliest stages of preparation without full consultation taking place.
▪ There had been a full programme of consultation with residents of the surrounding area, she added.
▪ What's more, this film was made in full consultation with its subjects.
▪ In the past, major changes in the financial conditions for legal aid have been proceeded by full consultation.
▪ It obstructed coherent cabinet consideration of the issues, and full consultation between civilian and military leaders.
▪ Some modest amendments to these modules are likely over the next few months, as a result of full consultation with centres.
▪ The king wouldn't allow them time for a full consultation.
▪ After meeting staff he has made a plea to agency chiefs to delay the transfer so that full consultations can take place.
▪ There will be further consultations when the draft legislation is published.
▪ He unsuccessfully proposed a decision be deferred to allow further consultation with the disabled.
▪ When the Cork County Council planning committee met later that month it agreed to hold further consultations with local residents.
▪ These are essentially lists of solicitors experienced in negligence claims, who will offer an initial one hour consultation free of charge.
▪ Around 250 responses were received last year commenting on the group's initial consultation paper, and 140 of them found fault.
▪ The book discusses the process from the initial preparation and consultation with the client to the mediation itself.
▪ Further joint consultation is also needed for other functions including planning and refuse disposal.
▪ It will also seek to establish any general principles connected with successful schemes of joint consultation.
▪ It is more than doubtful whether we have seen the fullest possible development of machinery for joint consultation in particular industries.
▪ Collective bargaining and joint consultation processes were found to have no influence on the attitude or performance of staff.
▪ Relations with the trade unions were excellent; the company was one of the first to start joint consultations many years ago.
▪ Bargaining is centralized, highly formalized, and wide-ranging with highly codified agreements, and there is extensive joint consultation.
▪ Winter has also tried to introduce a new system of joint consultation, but with disappointing results to date.
▪ The Lord Chancellor's proposals to cut eligibility for legal aid were put forward with no prior consultation.
▪ The federal government could be committed to a tax expenditure quickly without prior consultation.
▪ The distinction is borne out by the Report's own reference to the disclosure of information, and prior consultation on redundancy.
▪ But the local football authorities will protest at any attempt to transmit live football without prior consultation with them.
▪ After proper consultation and correction of the error, Raistrick set out to isolate active substances from Fleming's mould.
▪ Clearly, that could not be construed as proper consultation.
▪ The report also criticizes Nirex for seeking to rush through its proposals without proper public consultation and expert examination.
▪ Development plans drawn up with public consultation provide an important framework.
▪ He was speaking at a conference which follows three months of public consultation on changes to the telecommunications laws.
▪ He will also tell the island's planning committee that it should go forward to public consultation and a public meeting.
▪ The Leeds scheme, rushed through the planning process with very little public consultation, is not a popular success.
▪ The period of public consultation ends in November.
▪ Also, many 6-inch sheets of the coalfields had been prepared and were available for public consultation.
▪ As we debate the Bill, the period of public consultation is only half way through.
▪ The partners in the development have started a public consultation process ahead of lodging the planning application.
▪ The five-year agreement provided for regular consultations between the two ministries and supreme military commands.
▪ Both sides agreed to strengthen political ties with regular consultations at foreign minister level.
▪ Nevertheless, against this backcloth, the associations have regular and detailed consultation with government departments, both formal and informal.
▪ Diplomatic relations were established with each state and he signed protocols on regular consultations at Foreign Minister level.
▪ It would meet twice a year, but working staff groups would have regular consultations.
▪ It provided for regular ministerial consultations including bi-annual foreign ministers' meetings.
▪ The revised syllabus was devised after wide consultations with the profession, including major employers of tax professionals.
▪ A spokesman for the Lord Chancellor's Department said there would be wide consultation before any restrictions on the right of appeal.
▪ The responses to the first consultation document on the proposal on the contrary indicated that constituent authorities were very much in favour.
▪ A consultation document, Protecting Children.
▪ Mr Foster says the consultation document fails to acknowledge the tradition of free access to mountain and hill country.
▪ Nice refused to comment, beyond acknowledging that it had issued a confidential consultation document.
▪ The report goes on to offer an update on progress implementing the consultation document Supporting doctors, protecting patients.
▪ The government originally promised to publish a consultation document on how it proposed to implement the directive by autumn 1992.
▪ At time of writing no details were known, as the government was in the midst of an extensive consultation exercise.
▪ However, a consultation exercise last year showed that councils, police and courts supported the proposals.
▪ The public consultation exercise ends on 31 December.
▪ Just as important, Dwyer launched a major public consultation exercise, recruiting 100 volunteers representing a cross section of the population.
▪ This draconian measure is something that, in a consultation exercise, was supported by an astonishing 94 % of respondents.
▪ In any event, all responses will be summarised in a report on the public consultation exercise.
▪ The Trainers and the National Development Officer have been involved in the draft standard consultation exercise, and welcome the development.
▪ The council has launched a consultation exercise and has invited views from the farming and slaughter profession.
▪ A second set of factors justifying legislation are adduced in the consultation paper itself.
▪ The option was one of six outlined in a consultation paper on how to deal with the increasing abuses suffered by motorists.
▪ Trade and professional bodies have been invited to comment on a consultation paper.
▪ A preparatory public consultation paper will be issued this autumn and a more fundamental public discussion paper will be distributed next spring.
▪ Given the subject covered by the consultation paper, we are rather concerned not to have been notified of its existence.
▪ The government consultation paper insists that it is not gunning specifically for county or for district councils.
▪ None of the papers commented on the consultation paper dealing with contracting.
▪ He rejected an initial request for a meeting, indicating that a consultation paper would soon be released.
▪ The judges ruled that they had denied miners the agreed consultation period.
▪ I shall also consider any representations received during the consultation period.
▪ The public consultation period ends on Thursday.
▪ Once the consultation period is over, I shall consider all the evidence.
▪ Ministers will make the concession during the consultation period that follows last week's publication of the arms exports controls bill.
▪ The consultation period is now over.
▪ Mr. Chope Certainly the Government will take into account all the views expressed during the consultation period.
▪ The Government have belatedly agreed to do just that, and are currently in a consultation period on the matter.
▪ And that the Department could make better use of the great store of experience within the teaching profession during the consultation process.
▪ This Secretary of State does not feel the need to go through such a consultation process.
▪ Finally, the consultation process induced us to broaden our proposed provision quite considerably.
▪ As part of its general consultation process, Greater Glasgow health board consulted in respect of its acute services strategy for Glasgow.
▪ This was an attempt to gather the views of people who are often underrepresented in formal consultation processes.
▪ There is a statutory procedure laid down for the consultation process.
▪ We accepted the Secretary of State's invitation to engage in the consultation process which he initiated.
▪ This means time for the consultation process will be short.
▪ At all ages consultation rates are higher among females as compared to males.
▪ When consultation rates are matched against incapacity rates, there is evidence that lower income patients under-utilise G.P. services ....
▪ For these practices the overall consultation rate was 3.2 per patient per year, which is not dissimilar from the national average.
▪ The average consultation rate per thesis is 3.86.
▪ Data on consultation rates conceal as much as they uncover.
▪ Asquith returned to Downing Street and immediately began this consultation.
▪ One of the first actions of the new department was to begin consultations about local government reorganisation.
▪ It has also carried out secondary consultations in respect of particular services.
▪ There is no legal obligation on the council to carry out any specific consultation process.
▪ My second question follows consultation with a number of people.
▪ That would follow consultation with teacher unions.
▪ The publication of the first part of the Strategic Study of the Profession was followed by widespread consultation with regions and branches.
▪ When the Cork County Council planning committee met later that month it agreed to hold further consultations with local residents.
▪ Over 3,000 individuals and organisations are involved with the consultation.
▪ Herbert Smith has been involved in the consultation process regarding the reforms for a long time.
▪ They also agreed to involve residents in the consultation process.
▪ The leading engineers and managers who were involved in these consultations often retained strong negative stereotypes of the civil service.
▪ Who is to he involved in consultation and decision-making?
▪ Nice refused to comment, beyond acknowledging that it had issued a confidential consultation document.
▪ To provide a 24 hour consultation service for all professionals. 5.
▪ It provided for regular ministerial consultations including bi-annual foreign ministers' meetings.
▪ We have also published for consultation the draft asylum appeals procedure rules.
▪ The government originally promised to publish a consultation document on how it proposed to implement the directive by autumn 1992.
▪ May 1993 - draft tourism strategy to be published for widespread public consultation.
▪ Failure to record consultations is probably fairly widespread, and so this proportion is likely to be characteristic of the total.
▪ The homoeopathic doctor needs to obtain a large amount of information from the patient which requires a longer consultation time.
▪ Reciprocity, the favorite word of Netanyahu, requires consultation and compromise on both sides, not unilateral moves by either.
▪ Shareholder-driven deals, in short, require no consultation with the labour force whatsoever.
▪ The response was that the matter would require consultation with the main union office in the next town.
▪ He urged "dialogue and consultation" to end the crisis.
▪ Schweitzer took her daughter to the Mayo Clinic for a consultation.
▪ Trained parenting experts are available for consultation by phone.
▪ At one point, when no physical problem that might cause the vomiting had been found, a psychiatric consultation was requested.
▪ However, the Commission operates much more like a diplomatic than an administrative authority with a strong emphasis on consultation and conciliation.
▪ Nor could reports be produced necessarily with much consultation in the holiday period.
▪ Over 3,000 individuals and organisations are involved with the consultation.
▪ The design of each of the new qualifications is currently being subjected to intensive scrutiny and consultation.
▪ The five-year agreement provided for regular consultations between the two ministries and supreme military commands.
▪ The launch follows 12 months of development and consultation with students and academics.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Consultation \Con`sul*ta"tion\, n. [L. consultatio: cf. F. consultation.]

  1. The act of consulting or conferring; deliberation of two or more persons on some matter, with a view to a decision.

    Thus they doubtful consultations dark Ended.

  2. A council or conference, as of physicians, held to consider a special case, or of lawyers restained in a cause.

    Writ of consultation (Law), a writ by which a cause, improperly removed by prohibition from one court to another, is returned to the court from which it came; -- so called because the judges, on consultation, find the prohibition ill-founded.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

early 15c., from Middle French consultation, from Latin consultationem (nominative consultatio), from past participle stem of consultare "consult, ask counsel of; reflect, consider maturely," frequentative of consulere "to deliberate, consider," originally probably "to call together," as in consulere senatum "to gather the senate" (to ask for advice), from com- "with" (see com-) + *selere "take, gather (the Senate) together," from PIE root *sal- "to take, seize."


n. the act of consulting

  1. n. a conference (usually with someone important); "he had a consultation with the judge"; "he requested an audience with the king" [syn: audience, interview]

  2. a conference between two or more people to consider a particular question; "frequent consultations with his lawyer"; "a consultation of several medical specialists"

  3. the act of referring or consulting; "reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer" [syn: reference]

Consultation (Texas)

The Consultation served as the provisional government of Mexican Texas from November 1835 through March 1836 during the Texas Revolution. Tensions rose in Texas during early 1835 as throughout Mexico federalists began to oppose the increasingly centralist policies of the government. In the summer, Texans elected delegates to a political convention to be held in Gonzales in mid-October. Weeks before the convention began, settlers took up arms against Mexican soldiers at the Battle of Gonzales. The convention was postponed until November 1 after many of the delegates joined the newly organized volunteer Texan Army to initiate a siege of the Mexican garrison at San Antonio de Bexar. On November 3, a quorum was reached in San Antonio. Within days, the delegates passed a resolution to define why Texans were fighting. They expressed allegiance to the deposed Constitution of 1824 and maintained their right to form an independent government while this document was not in effect. Henry Smith was elected governor of the new provisional government and the remaining delegates formed a General Council. In the next weeks, the council authorized the creation of a new regular army to be commanded by Sam Houston. As Houston worked to establish an army independent from the existing volunteer army, the council repeatedly interfered in military matters.

After authorizing an expedition to take Matamoros, Mexico, the council named several men, simultaneously, to organize and lead the assault. Angry at the effect the expedition was having on existing Texian garrisons, Smith dissolved the council. Alleging that Smith did not have the authority to disband them, council members impeached him and lieutenant governor James W. Robinson was named acting governor.


Consultation may refer to:

  • Public consultation, a process by which the public's input on matters affecting them is sought
  • Consultation (Texas), the 1835 Texas meeting of colonists on a proposed rebellion against the Republic of Mexico
  • Consultation (doctor), a formal meeting with a medical doctor for discussion or the seeking of advice
  • Bahá'í consultation, a distinctive method of non-adversarial decision-making
  • Consultation (media), the relationship between a media services provider and media services consumer
  • Consultation (object-oriented programming)
  • An event similar to a symposium
Consultation (media)

Consultation in the media context refers to the relationship between a media service provider and media services consumer.

An information services centre must be established, this comprises a media organization which has a large (almost unlimited) amount of information at its disposal. However in the consultation relationship the information services centre forfeits an amount of control to the consumer. The consumer is able to determine which information they want to receive and when they want to receive it. This differs from the allocation model in which the information services center retains complete control over the information. The consultation model allows the consumer to interact with the information on a higher level as they can impose a filter on the information, deciding to reject or ignore any amount.

Usage examples of "consultation".

After consultation with Adams, Captain Tucker determined to stand away from them.

Stimpson, it was thought that a proven warehouseman would be more helpful than a third alieni st Even with the most rigorous schedule and the briefest of consultations, it was clear to Thomas that he would not be able to follow the course of six hundred illnesses, let alone devote to them the long-term observation they required.

Our agreement with you allows us the right to decide the course of the Project without consultation with you, while you are free to withdraw from here when you wish.

During the last half-hour Constance and Madame Angelin had been deep in consultation with Madame Bourdieu.

San Tome mine had its own unofficial pay list, whose items and amounts, fixed in consultation by Charles Gould and Senor Avellanos, were known to a prominent business man in the United States, who for twenty minutes or so in every month gave his undivided attention to Sulaco affairs.

Of the long nights of vigil on the floor of the oratory and of many other austerities which had filled those last sad days since the quarrel with Rome had begun, the Lady Beata was forced to give faithful account to the physicians who were summoned in immediate consultation to the bedchamber of the Lady Marina.

In addition to their training, research, and consultation functions specifi cally designed to help law enforcement officers deal more effectively with violent crime, members of the Behavioral Science Unit trave ing throughout the country had occasion to observe a variety of state and local programs designed to deal with violent crime problems and to identify the best.

Manager, Profiling and Consultation Program, Behavioral Science Investigative Support Unit, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, FBI Academy, Quantico, VA and Alan E.

Rambuteau, ou, rase de frais, le teint vermeil sous ses cheveux blancs, une rose a la boutonniere, il donnait chaque jour des consultations aux commercants poursuivis par les huissiers.

After some consultation they resolved to obey it, and sent a Cimbrian slave to carry out their orders.

Herr Clausewitz evidently had before his mind the endless consultations at the Headquarters of the Bohemian Army in the Leipsic Campaign 1813.

The Sergeant, although he scarcely knew himself with what object, complied, and Cap was summoned to join in the consultation.

There is to be a consultation of the Corps Diplomatique to-morrow, under the presidency of the Nuncio, to settle joint action.

More excited consultation at the piano, and Valentina gestured for silence, and friskily announced that she and her friends would do the ballet created for their tour of the fronts.

The lady consented, and proceeded to what she took to be a consultation, which in reality was a monologue.