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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Constitutionally \Con`sti*tu"tion*al*ly\, adv.

  1. In accordance with the constitution or natural disposition of the mind or body; naturally; as, he was constitutionally timid.

    The English were constitutionally humane.

  2. In accordance with the constitution or fundamental law; legally; as, he was not constitutionally appointed.

    Nothing would indue them to acknowledge that [such] an assembly . . . was constitutionally a Parliament.


adv. 1 Pertaining to one's bodily constitution; physically, physiologically. 2 In accordance with a political constitution.


adv. according to the constitution; "this was constitutionally ruled out" [ant: unconstitutionally]

Usage examples of "constitutionally".

They are constitutionally incapable of coming clean about the deeper sources of their own thinking.

The men who do things in the world, the men worthy of admiration and imitation, are men constitutionally incapable of any such pecksniffian stupidity.

Moreover, in actions on contracts made in other States, a State constitutionally may decline to enforce in its courts, as contrary to its own policy, the laws of such States relating to the right to add interest to the recovery as an incidental item of damages.

And for the same reason it may be proper to further say that whether members sent to Congress from any State shall be admitted to seats constitutionally rests exclusively with the respective Houses, and not to any extent with the EXECUTIVE.

Congress voting together, with the full consent of the legislatures of thirty-three States, could not constitutionally put down slavery in the remaining thirty-fourth State.

The whittles were opposed to quietude and constitutionally incapable of contentment.

These men have been aware that slavery has existed in accordance with the Constitution of their country, and have been willing to attach the stain which accompanies the institution to the individual State which entertains it, and not to the national government by which the question has been constitutionally ignored.

The compromise has been since annulled, on the ground, I believe, that Congress had not constitutionally the power to declare that any soil should be free, or that any should be slave soil.

How shall the Constitution be constitutionally amended while one-third of the States are in revolt?

This prohibition is therefore expressly placed upon Congress, and this prohibition contains the only authority under which the privilege can be constitutionally suspended.

If at the close of the present civil war the American government--the old civil government consisting of the President with such checks as Congress constitutionally has over him--shall really hold the power to which it pretends, I do not fear that there will be any war.

Political purists might contend that even if the dead would vote, they aren't as constitutionally qualified as live people.

Comstock had spent twenty years using his congressionally mandated (and constitutionally quite ques­tionable) powers to persecute zealously anyone who dealt in contraceptive devices, pregnancy abortions, ribald literature and photographs, and anything else that met his rather expan­sive definition of “obscene.

Instead of going to trial, I filed a brief with the Court of Appeals demanding that the trial be stopped on the grounds that the indictment was constitutionally defective.

Just as the incessant yapping of a dog worries and enrages more constitutionally silent animals, so the clamorous voice of a man rouses fear in some bestial bosoms and insane rage in others.