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adv. In a conspiratorial manner

Usage examples of "conspiratorially".

When Eccles turns to Harry to guffaw conspiratorially after this dig, bitterness cripples his laugh, turns his lips in tightly, so his small jawed head shows its teeth like a skull.

Ferengi hunched forward conspiratorially, even the acolytes who had opposed him leaned closer to hear his plan.

The merchant took a long draught of his pulque, puffed his cigarro back to life, then lowered his voice conspiratorially.

He could not catch all the words, and at first the men looked so conspiratorially secretive he thought they were trying to warn him of something.

She pretended that it was the first she'd ever had the thought and leaned conspiratorially over the table for Andi's answer.

She led Tanya into the kitchen, whispering conspiratorially in her ear.

Aunt Celly, plump and pink-faced with her fading fair hair looped into the sort of lacquered confection of twirls, pearls, and artificial swags popular twenty-five years previously, had taken her aside and whispered conspiratorially, "It's a hotbed of intrigue, dear.

He smiled conspiratorially, and let her unbutton and unzip his pants, which despite their bagginess could not conceal his arousal.

Thrust puts his unlit gasper behind his ear where Gately predicts hair-tonic will render it unsmokable, looks conspiratorially around back over each shoulder, leans in so his face is visible between two bars of the bed's side-railing, and bathes Gately's face in old eggs and smoke as he leans in and quietly says that Gately'll be psyched to hear that all the residents that were at the embryoglio except Lenz and Thrale and the ones that aren't in a legal position to step forward and like that, he says he says they've most of them all come forward and filed depositions, that the BPD's Finest, plus some rather weirder Federal guys with goofy-looking archaic crew cuts, probably involved because of the like inter-O.

He winked conspiratorially and held up his own crossed fingers as we filed up on to the stage and prepared to confront the bored ranks of our raw material.

She leaned conspiratorially close to Sean, her eyes glistening with eagerness in the lamplight.