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vb. (en-third-person singular of: consign)

Usage examples of "consigns".

Similarly the hood is sometimes used when the master leads or consigns the slave to others, she being hooded, perhpas, before the guests arrive, or, perhaps, after she has served them their supper and liquers.

For the holy angels feel no anger while they punish those whom the eternal law of God consigns to punishment, no fellow-feeling with misery while they relieve the miserable, I no fear while they aid those who are in danger.

And as that old Earl, who in the time of Charles the First was the reigning wit of the court, in the time of Charles the Second was considered too dull even for a butt, so every age has its own literary stamp and coinage, and consigns the old circulation to its shelves and cabinets as neglected curiosities.

Behaviorism, of course, wants nothing to do with any of this "black box" of interior meaning, and consigns the lot of it, at best, to "intervening variables" lying in that terra incognita between observable stimuli and observable response, internal variables that are defined merely as "tendencies to behavior," because behaviorism, being a Right-Hand path, does not trust anything it cannot see and monologically tinker with or reinforce.

When the flower fades, the master tenderly consigns it to the river or carefully buries it in the ground.