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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The office was busy, but it wasn't too bad, considering.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Consider \Con*sid"er\ (k[o^]n*s[i^]d"[~e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Considered (k[o^]n*s[i^]d"[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. Considering.] [F. consid['e]rer, L. considerare, -sideratum, to consider, view attentively, prob. fr. con- + sidus, sideris, star, constellation; orig., therefore, to look at the stars. See Sidereal, and cf. Desire.]

  1. To fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think on with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on.

    I will consider thy testimonies.
    --Ps. cxix. 95.

    Thenceforth to speculations high or deep I turned my thoughts, and with capacious mind Considered all things visible.

  2. To look at attentively; to observe; to examine.

    She considereth a field, and buyeth it.
    --Prov. xxxi. 16.

  3. To have regard to; to take into view or account; to pay due attention to; to respect.

    Consider, sir, the chance of war: the day Was yours by accident.

    England could grow into a posture of being more united at home, and more considered abroad.
    --Sir W. Temple.

  4. To estimate; to think; to regard; to view.

    Considered as plays, his works are absurd.

    Note: The proper sense of consider is often blended with an idea of the result of considering; as, ``Blessed is he that considereth the poor.''
    --Ps. xli. 1.; i.e., considers with sympathy and pity. ``Which [services] if I have not enough considered.''
    --Shak.; i.e., requited as the sufficient considering of them would suggest. ``Consider him liberally.''
    --J. Hooker.

    Syn: To ponder; weigh; revolve; study; reflect or meditate on; contemplate; examine. See Ponder.


n. consideration vb. (present participle of consider English)

Usage examples of "considering".

Considering all that Adams had suffered at the hand of Callender, it would have been quite understandable had he lashed out at Jefferson for his hypocrisy and immorality.

I was considering something that, prior to my indoctrination in Alaskan values, would have been out of the question.

It occurred to him that Qusay and his father-in-law might be considering such a fate for him since he was the ultimate authority to whom the Amn Al-Khass teams reported.

Not surprising, considering it was way past midnight and all good Argentians were asleep in their beds.

Sinklar tapped the armrest pensively, considering, then he got to his feet.

At one point, Paul had casually inquired why Kurt insisted on wearing black, considering the radiant power of the Bahamian sun.

I commissioned a portrait of Bathurst from him, and, considering that Bathurst is not able to sit still for a second, the finished work was admirable.

While Cliff was considering the possibility of some action, he saw Pug and Birdy come out from the corridor.

The closets were surprisingly full, considering how limited had been the wardrobe Boney usually wore.

It was a delightful breakfast, though we passed certain bounds which decency ought to have proscribed to us, but Leonilda was wonderfully innocent considering her position.

It is a fine morning, and she is considering walking along the bridgeway to the boat stop, and going over to the cafes cm East Heights.

It is a fine morning, and she is considering walking along the bridgeway to the boat stop, and going over to the cafes on East Heights.

Considering that the total number of Germans captured in the Cameroons is only equal to the number of civilians murdered or wounded in British towns by Zeppelin bombs, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds to the German Government, one begins to wonder whether Norden and his countrymen possess any sense of proportion.

The last came out in a somewhat self-righteous tone, considering the speaker, Carole thought, chiding herself.

Doc spent in conversation with King Chaac, considering the elderly sovereign had never heard of a modern university, be had some remarkably accurate knowledge about the universe.