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vb. (eye dialect of considering English)

Usage examples of "considerin'".

Not bad money, either, considerin' my expenses and the fact I didn't have to split with no pimp.

Daddy had tried to find her, of course, but considerin' how hard it is to find runaway kids who want to be found, it's pure luck if you find one that don't.

While this is of invaluable assistance considerin' my chosen profession, it does, however, make it difficult to blend with any given crowd.

At first I think she is just really desperate for a drink, which as I said is understandable considerin' the slow service, and step aside, usin' my not inconsiderable bulk to make room for her.

I reckon we made fair time, considerin' you wanted me to drive slow an' safe.

In an aside to Yolande: "Mandy's boy-crazy already, that's why she's considerin' the infantry.

As has been noted, I already had my wind up and was seriously considerin' whether or not to simply expand our discussion group to include the foreman when I remember how nervous Bunny was and consider the difficulty I would have explainin' the situation to her if I were to suffer termination the first day on the job for roughin' up a management type.

Now this is not surprisin' considerin' the Bazaar is the main source for their recruitin', but it makes for some teeth-grindin' inequalities in the pay scales.