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n. (plural of conservator English)


In certain areas of the England, Conservators are statutory bodies which manage areas of countryside for the use of the public.

Usage examples of "conservators".

But the conduct of the novelists and the painters makes the task of the conservators of society doubly perplexing.

His primary object was to establish a firm theocracy, to make his people the conservators of the doctrine of the Divine Unity, the basis upon which Christianity was hereafter to rest.

But the senator was confined to the administration of justice: the Capitol, the treasury, and the government of the city and its territory, were intrusted to the three conservators, who were changed four times in each year: the militia of the thirteen regions assembled under the banners of their respective chiefs, or caporioni.

The conservators think it dates from the time of the events it describes, or closely after, and the pictures it had were pasted-in flatpics.

The conservators couldn't find anything in the vid archives corresponding, and with maximal image-boosting, this is the best we could get .

But the senator was confined to the administration of justice: the Capitol, the treasury, and the government of the city and its territory, were intrusted to the three conservators, who were changed four times in each year: the militia of the thirteen regions assembled under the banners of their respective chiefs, or caporioni.

Simon, a great man in his way, had divided his followers into hundreds of squadrons [hyperlink] Hadrian in Military Dress Bust from Crete, Paris, Louvre [hyperlink] Trophies from the Temple of the Divine Hadrian, Rome Rome, Museum of the Palace of the Conservators [hyperlink] Letter of Simon Bar-Kochba Dead Sea Manuscript, Palestine Archaeological Museum, Jerusalem posted on mountain ridges or placed in ambush in caverns and abandoned quarries, or even hidden in houses of the teeming suburbs of the cities.