adv. In a conservative manner
adv. in a conservative manner; "we estimated the number of demonstrators conservatively at 200,000." [syn: cautiously, guardedly]
Usage examples of "conservatively".
It certainly carried the kind of historic pedigree that would please a British-Canadian lord, it was widely held with no control blocks that would have demanded premium prices, and it was a well and conservatively managed enterprise, ideal for the Thomson habit of acquiring companies that turned decent profits without requiring day-to-day involvement.
As befitted her place of employment she was very conservatively dressed, wearing only a few electrostatically clinging sequins and pads.
His people had acted so impulsively during the first encounter with the Furies, it made sense for them to act more conservatively this time.
He always dressed elegantly but conservatively: he would never wear one of the fashionable new turndown collars, or carry a monocle like a dandy.
Here was this neatly coiffed, conservatively dressed, dainty little personage, who reminded most hackers of their moms or their aunts.
Even the Net, that ponderous, conservative communications system that linked the galaxy with news and information and records of everything ever done via computer—even the managers of the Net were slowly, conservatively augmenting key communications functions with hyperchip managers that had significantly speeded Net retrievals.
Experts today conservatively estimate that, once fully restored in America, hemp industries will generate $500 billion to a trillion dollars per year, and will save the planet and civilization from fossil fuels and their derivatives - and from deforestation!
He was dressed in a conservatively cut, dark business suit, but the coat was hanging open, his tie was draped around his neck, and his shirt was open to the waist.
He started conservatively, taking them for a ride over to the East Bay in the van, luring them onto the Oakland mudflats with a rack of beef ribs, then driving away quickly, only to find them waiting in the apartment when he returned, having covered the entire living room with a patina of drying mud.
Then LottoPick would become a cash cow for ATI, conservatively projected to earn $1 billion annually.
Kirel was, generally speaking, a conservative male, and had couched his suggestion conservatively by equating the Big Uglies with analogous groupings within the Race, an equation that in itself made Atvar’s scales itch.
Even the Net, that ponderous, conservative communications system that finked the galaxy with news and information and records of everything ever done via computer — even the managers of the Net were slowly, conservatively augmenting key communications Sanctions with hyperchip managers that had significantly speeded Net retrievals.
To his right, more conservatively garmented, standing ramrod-straight, was the veteran Majority Leader of the House, Representative Harvey Wickland.
He nodded, a stocky man with his peaked cap set conservatively straight, a man without imagination but with a sense of responsibility, too old now to be stirred by the rumours of a fight for freedom in tomorrow's streets, a stolid man prepared to weather the strictures of a regime he'd come to accept since middle youth, a man to whom I didn't say the police are looking for me, let me through quickly in the cause of Sroda.
The game, like all its ancestors before it, allocated bets at varying odds, and Villiers played conservatively, small bets on odd or even, white or black.