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n. (plural of conservationist English)

Usage examples of "conservationists".

That's a serious concern for both conservationists and budget watchers.

I've been inundated with calls from conservationists from all over the country, all supporting our stand.

I hear there's a proposal for a sit-in of conservationists, from all over the country outside the Lodge to see that there's no repetition of this disgraceful action.

So, far from being able to relax, conservationists are busier than ever.

The six youngsters sailing with Sea Shepherd, all keen conservationists, will make a valuable contribution.

The conservationists don't know what's hitting 'em, and nobody can prove a thing against the organization.

In the wheel-house, three conservationists pored over maps and charts whose dark markings represented ruined reefs around the world.

Himself had been heard to remark (tactlessly) that the castle's conservationists still had charge of the eagle only because its weight made stealing it difficult.

The conservationists have invaded the bothy with spades and pickaxes and metal detectors, and are tearing everything apart.