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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conscienceless \Con"science*less\, a. Without conscience; indifferent to conscience; unscrupulous.

Conscienceless and wicked patrons.


a. Lacking a conscience; unscrupulous or ruthless.


adj. lacking a conscience; "a conscienceless villain"; "brash, unprincipled, and conscienceless"; "an unconscionable liar" [syn: unconscionable]

Usage examples of "conscienceless".

A professional torturer, a paid strangler, a conscienceless soko who maims and kills for money and for the sadistic pleasure of it.

Aside from these there were a moon-faced Bengali babu, a dark Italian with flashing eyes and teeth, and a stout person of bovine Teutonic cast--the type that is sage, shrewd, easy-going when unopposed, but capable under provocation of exhibiting the most conscienceless brutality.

Because he has eliminated some unnecessary employés placed by conscienceless politicians to secure votes?

I walked only two days, Claude walked two--both of afraid to make Millet celebrated too close to home--but Carl walked only half a day, the bright, conscienceless rascal, and after that he travelled like a duke.

In my time I have seldom seen such daring things marketed at any price as these conscienceless folk have worked off at par on this confiding observer.

His superior was both able and conscientious: had to be, if the harm done by the rapacious and conscienceless predecessor who provoked McCormac's rebellion was to be mended.

He told of the treachery of individual members, the corruption of conscienceless self-serving cliques, the growing threat to newly won liberties.

No, Lord Drehkos, I'll not suffer such conscienceless, merciless cowards to roam at large in my domains.

It deals with a mortal dread we all share: the madness that betides us when we have been fucked over once too often by the petty thugs and conscienceless pillagers who infest the world--from venal politicians who manipulate our lives for personal gain, down to the building contractors who promise decent craftsmanship and leave you with leaking roofs.

In her present mood and frame of mind, he was bedamned if he was going to leave Krystal Foster nee Kent in command of a baker's dozen of the savage, conscienceless galloglaiches who would consider her wish to be their commission to wreak any barbarity that came into her head, simply because she happened to be the wife of their chosen warleader, Bass Foster.

They're fighting machines—by our standards, their human brains are psychopathic, because the Kangas wanted totally obedient, highly skilled, utterly conscienceless killing machines.

They're fighting machines—by our standards, their human brains are psychopathic, because the Kangas wanted totally obedient, highly skilled, utterly conscienceless killing machines.