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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ The main character, Fleur, is a conniving woman who will do almost anything to defeat her rivals.
▪ Fourthly, Hopkins was a conniving priest, a possible Templar, with an open distaste for our King.
▪ Whitaker and Givens give the proceedings a much needed lift and the latter shows promise and the conniving seductress.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Connive \Con*nive"\ (k[o^]n*n[imac]v"), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Connived (-n[imac]vd"); p. pr. & vb. n. Conniving.] [L. connivere to shut the eyes, connive, fr. con- + (perh.) a word akin to nicere to beckon, nictare to wink.]

  1. To open and close the eyes rapidly; to wink. [Obs.]

    The artist is to teach them how to nod judiciously, and to connive with either eye.

  2. To close the eyes upon a fault; to wink (at); to fail or forbear by intention to discover an act; to permit a proceeding, as if not aware of it; -- usually followed by at.

    To connive at what it does not approve.
    --Jer. Taylor.

    In many of these, the directors were heartily concurring; in most of them, they were encouraging, and sometimes commanding; in all they were conniving.

    The government thought it expedient, occasionally, to connive at the violation of this rule.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1783, present participle adjective from connive. Earlier in this sense was connivent.

  1. That connives; conspiratorial v

  2. (present participle of connive English)

  1. adj. acting together in secret toward a fraudulent or illegal end [syn: collusive]

  2. used of persons; "the most calculating and selfish men in the community" [syn: calculating, calculative, scheming, shrewd]

Usage examples of "conniving".

The mercenary hid his conniving smile at the sight of Vierna's obvious pleasure.

Oddly enough, it seemed to Jarlaxle as if that fact did not displease the conniving matron mother.

This was not the same surly and conniving emissary who had first come to the Sea Sprite in the name of Lord Tarnheel Embuirhan in search of Drizzt Do'Urden.

Few wererats did since Entreri had murdered one of the more legendary of their clan in Calimport, a conniving and wicked fellow named Rassiter.

That, Deudermont knew, was the source of Robillard's sneering attitude concerning this port, though the wizard had been sketchy in his explanations, making a few offhand remarks about the "idiots" running the Hosttower and their inability to discern a true wizardly master from a conniving trickster.

It was a nasty, vicious, conniving, and wretchedly self-serving creature that tried to get as much gain as it could out of every word.

Sometimes, when he'd idled in camp too long, he felt he preferred it to the striving, conniving existence of his fellow drow, the luxuries of Menzoberranzan notwithstanding.

That political conniving, on top of McClellan's derogation of General Scott, did the trick.

I know the man, he and Seward and I were partners, and I tell you he's a conniving Albany wirepuller.

At least, after he died, his brain would go on calculating and conniving inside her skull.

Does Seward's dirty work, and he'll be conniving against us at the next convention.

He resolved to let the world know it was Chase, the conniving bastard, who had come up with the unpopular idea of an income taxbut to be paid later, long after the war ended, by generations that would profit from the sacrifices of these years, not by the generation that fought and bled.

The Tribune reporter was glad to be out of Butler's conniving, domineering presence and on his way north to the Pope campaign against Jackson and perhaps Lee.

Cadderly knew that the conniving Rufo had waited for him, seeking new fuel for Headmaster Avery's ire, and he knew that Avery would not excuse his tardiness.

Aballister had to wonder just how powerful his conniving rival might be, or might become.