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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Education should expand the sense of connectedness a young child feels with the world.
▪ However welcome it may be, it is hard to believe that it has had no impact on social connectedness.
▪ I could say I was trying to grab some connectedness for myself.
▪ People aware of their connectedness can build both compassion and strength.
▪ She appears to appropriate traditional humanist interests in social connectedness and caring specifically for women.
▪ The girl compensates for her loss by maintaining connectedness with others.
▪ We cherish roots, family and connectedness.
▪ Without loving contact in infancy and early childhood, a sense of human connectedness may never materialize.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

connectedness \connectedness\ n.

  1. the state of being connected.

    Syn: connection.

  2. a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it).

    Syn: connection, connexion.


n. The state or quality of being connected.

  1. n. the state of being connected; "the connection between church and state is inescapable" [syn: connection, link] [ant: disjunction]

  2. a relation between things or events (as in the case of one causing the other or sharing features with it); "there was a connection between eating that pickle and having that nightmare" [syn: connection, connexion] [ant: unconnectedness]


In mathematics, connectedness is used to refer to various properties meaning, in some sense, "all one piece". When a mathematical object has such a property, we say it is connected; otherwise it is disconnected. When a disconnected object can be split naturally into connected pieces, each piece is usually called a component (or connected component).

Usage examples of "connectedness".

To those relying on this sense of inner connectedness, Dasein was almost invisible.

EPR analysis from the 1930s, together with contemporary experiments, gives scientific support to the current view of nonlocal connectedness.

And yet, when it comes to the actual sciences of this web of life, the sciences of wholeness and connectedness, we find them speaking unmistakably of hierarchy as the basic organizing principle of wholeness.

There in the house that had brought Roberta and Gabriel together, where they had overcome their first aversion for each other, and had fought and forgiven and shared their first kiss, and where their childfen had become fast friends, they formed a ring of connectedness on this occasion when it was so badly needed.

Kate felt that connectedness to him that had always seemed to be far more than their mutual desire, as though each was an extension of the other.

But division there is and the inner connectedness of all things within the One, is perceived as causality.

These comparisons suggest that geographic connectedness has exerted both positive and negative effects on the evolution of technology.

Matter, during that period, was re-analyzed and found to be not tiny hard billiard ball-like particles whizzing through space carrying spin and electric charge, but that there was another level, a lower layer, and that other level, that other description, revealed an interactive wave system where individual points of concrescence are merely statistical rather than real, everything dissolves into a kind of soup of multi-leveled, multi-dimensional connectedness, and this is what the psychedelic experience is.

Depending on their geographic homeland, East Asian and Pacific peoples differed in their access to domesticable wild plant and animal species and in their connectedness to other peoples.

Technology's course over the last 1,000 years in China, Europe, and possibly the Indian subcontinent exemplifies those net effects of high, moderate, and low connectedness, respectively.

Technology’s course over the last 1,000 years in China, Europe, and possibly the Indian subcontinent exemplifies those net effects of high, moderate, and low connectedness, respectively.

You have this sense of connectedness through geologic time that most people never get to experience.

In contrast, he felt a connectedness to all the Gamon and this suggested to the elder an affinity with the higher consciousness of the Gamon.