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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Connectedly \Con*nect"ed*ly\, adv. In a connected manner.


adv. In a connected way.

Usage examples of "connectedly".

It has often occurred to me in the course of my medical practice, to doubt whether we can justifiably infer—in cases of delirium—that the loss of the faculty of speaking connectedly, implies of necessity the loss of the faculty of thinking connectedly as well.

In plainer words, after putting the broken sentences together I found the superior faculty of thinking going on, more or less connectedly, in my patient's mind, while the inferior faculty of expression was in a state of almost complete incapacity and confusion.

I only say that I have penetrated through the obstacle of the disconnected expression, to the thought which was underlying it connectedly all the time.

As she rallied from her deep depression, which was physical as well as mental, and found that she could think connectedly, she turned to her Bible in the hope of discovering some comforting and reassuring truths spoken by that Friend for whose sake she had given up so much.

So it results that most of the Turks whom one sees have a lawyer-like habit of speaking connectedly, and at length.

The face of the entire country, from the Admiral River to the Solfatera Plain, has undergone some portentous change, which the frightened peasants who bring the news to Roseau seem unable clearly and connectedly to describe, and the volcanic activity still continues.