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n. (plural of conifer English)

Usage examples of "conifers".

Once there had been tall trees here: conifers, tree ferns, and the ancient podocarps, with clusters of heavy fruit at their bases.

A herd of enormous medium to high browsing herbivores could easily overgraze conifers and cycads, leaving open spaces in which the fast-growing seeds of flowering plants could prosper.

Here conifers towered grandly, rising to spreading mats of leaves far overhead.

In the north, a new kind of ecology appeared, a temperate woodland of mixed conifers and deciduous trees.

They secured it at the top, and each member of the group rappeled down, landing safely among the scattered conifers dotted with stately hemlocks.

The land was growing more hilly as they moved farther southwest, and swathes of conifers covered the rolling land.

But this time, instead of regimented rows of conifers, there was a mix of trees.

She could see the belt of conifers ahead that hid the final approach to the bridge.

The breeze drifting along the street brought the perfumes of flowers from the greenspaces, the savory smell of roasted nuts and the deep brown bite of kaffeh, the tang of the conifers, the soft mutter of voices, the click of glasses, of metal against metal, footsteps, coughs.

He said mountain laurel was acid loving and would go with my conifers, but I told him no.

Emerging from the ravine, they found themselves in a broader river valley, thickly forested with dark conifers resembling cedars of Lebanon.

They reached it, not having hurried, in the late afternoon, crossing the small bridge from the mainland and following the track, bordered by shrubs and conifers, to the hotel.

The trees were either bare now, or held the last few leaves, stark skeletons of white among the blue-green shadow of conifers, and the land had gone all brown and yellow, the woods thickly blanketed with leaves that rustled dustily dry.