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adv. By a congress; often specifically by the United States Congress

Usage examples of "congressionally".

Even with a Congressionally guaranteed monopoly, they still manage to lose money year after year and are constantly whining that they need yet another rate hike.

Charged with 'treasonous conspiracy and crimes against the people', the Niriennistes were placed under arrest, upon the congressionally mandated authority of the tribunal, backed by the armed strength of Whiss's pampered Vanguard.

Comstock had spent twenty years using his congressionally mandated (and constitutionally quite ques­tionable) powers to persecute zealously anyone who dealt in contraceptive devices, pregnancy abortions, ribald literature and photographs, and anything else that met his rather expan­sive definition of “obscene.

Here in the evening after dinner a movie was shown, one watched with proper decorum by congressionally certified gentlemen.